the Tail of a passing comet, clusters of heavenly bodies and other spectacular phenomena will be able to see the fans of the space in 2017. One of them can be observed directly in the new year’s eve, told TASS specialist Large Novosibirsk planetarium, member of the Board of Novosibirsk astronomical society Oleg Kashin.
— January 1: feast of the departed and the telescope fell down, jokes Kashin. — In fact, Giuseppe Piazzi and was opened on 1 January 1801 the first minor planet Ceres.
Safe convergence
on the night of January 1, citizens of Russia will be able to observe the convergence of the planets in the sky will meet Mars and Neptune. However, if the pink dot of Mars will be visible to the naked eye, then blue Neptune can be seen only through a telescope.
— It is quite interesting, spectacular and convenient for watching: not often in the sky in one small area in a telescope or field of view can be seen from two planets, says Kashin.
He said that closer not the planets themselves in space, but only their projections on the celestial sphere.
Later, on 26 February, will approach Mars and Uranus. To consider the latter, you will also need a telescope. Following the spectacular rapprochement of the planets will only happen in autumn 2017.
— November 13, Venus and Jupiter will be very close to each other. They, too, will be interesting to see, — said the scientist.
in addition to approaches, astronomers and lovers of the starry sky will be interested in coverage of the stars and planets — when one object completely or partially covers the other. So, Neptune in 2017 will be 13 times the Moon, Aldebaran (the main star in the constellation Taurus) — 14 times.
the Cluster of planets and stars
on 18 September in the morning sky will meet several of the heavenly bodies: the Moon, Venus, Mars, mercury and the main star in Leo — Regulus.
— the Whole company will be visible on a small area of sky about the size of 10 degrees. To understand: the visible angular size of the moon is half a degree. If 20 moons side by side to deliver, this will be the area where you will meet five luminaries — said the astronomer.
All of these objects can be seen with the naked eye.
In 2017, as a whole favorable conditions for observation of a number of planets. Now and until March bright lights on the South-Western sky, Venus. On 12 January she will depart in our skies at the maximum distance from the Sun and will especially are distinguishable.
Mars — pale pink dot in the southern part — is visible immediately after sunset, the watch will continue until the end of July. Improving the visibility of Jupiter, the conditions for its observation will be the best to 7 April. Saturn will be visible from 9 January until the summer.
Comet Encke will fluff tail. If you do not be fooled
Astronomers are giving a cautious forecast that in February in the evening sky will be to the naked eye to see the comet Encke. Flying close to the Sun, the comet is usually warmed up by the rays and begins to melt, which increases the tail by adding entertainment experience.
However Oleg Kashin has warned that comets do not always meet the expectations of fans of astronomy. The fact that the body of the comet is sometimes covered with dirty dust cover — it can be compared with a mud crust that appears when snow melts in the spring.
Sometimes this case may be so pronounced that even with proximity to the Sun, the comet will not give spectacular evaporation, and a large tail will not be seen. Thus arose the term extinct comet, — explains astronomer.
But with the comet Encke had never happened. The last time it was possible to observe near the Sun in November 2013, and then the comet was a large tail, which means that it needs to please observers and in 2017, believes Kashin.
in addition, on January 18 will develop the best conditions for observation of asteroid Vesta, which is sixth magnitude and is visible in the simplest telescope. In the main asteroid belt is one of the largest minor planets. The most interesting meteor will be the Perseids (maximum August 12), Draconids (October 8), orionid (21 October) and the Leonids (November 17).
Solar and lunar Eclipse
But for solar eclipses, which in 2017 will be two annular and full, with Russia to watch will not work.
to see the total solar Eclipse on August 21, Amateur astronomers will have to travel to the United States. In our country the partial phase of the Eclipse will be visible only on the Chukotka Peninsula.
But to witness a lunar Eclipse on 7 August can be almost all residents of Russia. The moon on the night of 7 to 8 August will change noticeably their brightness and color.
Oleg Kashin added that, look to the sky is always interesting, the cosmos will find something to surprise.
on the one hand, we have astronomical calendars, which indicate the strict schedule of astronomical events, on the other hand, there is always the possibility for surprises. Perhaps, right now to the borders of the Solar system the light from a new star that exploded somewhere far away and very long ago. And no one in this world does not know this, but tomorrow night, all the media write that ignited a new star.
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