Friday, December 16, 2016

Internet in the classroom lowers students ‘ performance – Moskovsky Komsomolets

This opinion was expressed by psychologists

Today at 17:33, views: 2398

the presence of the Internet in the classrooms of higher education institutions has long been considered important and even indispensable witness to the fact that the University is in step with the times. However, in practice, the academic performance of students who come to these audiences with laptop crashes, says a group of researchers under the leadership of Susan Ravizza from Michigan state University in East Lansing.

Интернет в аудиториях понижает успеваемость студентов


the study involved students, which the experts divided into three groups — the first were allowed to use the Internet at their own discretion, the second is only for educational purposes, and others access to the Internet not have and, moreover, in principle, not supposed to use laptops or computers. Study participants were read 15 lectures.

the Test performed after the experiment showed that students who used a laptop and the Internet, in General, worse remembered what he had heard in the lectures, and were less motivated to study than those who had to do without a laptop. According to experts, this pattern was distributed, including, and those who used the Internet only for educational purposes. Thus, according to experts, it’s not that students with laptops were just distracted from the lecture on something completely unrelated, and that the laptop itself is their concentration, apparently, was not contributed.

as one of the possible explanations scientists have put forward the theory that a person remembers information better if you write them by hand. It is equally likely that, looking at the monitor of the laptop, the students simply found what to be distracted, even if they are not looking for some entertainment on the Internet, so their concentration is on the subject of the lecture is in any case reduced.

His research scientists published in the journal Psychological Science.


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