Saturday, December 24, 2016

In Chernogolovka opened the largest in Russia monument to the scientist – YOUR CITY Pskov

according the monument is a sculpture of the founder of chemical physics and Nobel laureate Nikolai Semenov and his associate members of Russian Academy of Sciences Fyodor Dubovitsky. Nikolai Semenov and Fedor dubovitskiy worked together, and it is noticeable that these different people have in common the desire to make our science the great.

the Largest monument of scientists in the Russian Federation opened on 23 December at the Central square of Chernogolovka near Moscow. The composition is a set of 2 bronze figures, height of not less than four metres, while in addition “the office of the scientist” with chairs, table, attributes, and layout Chernogolovka. On this monument they will always be together, as they together walked through life, science… “On this monument they will always be together, as they together walked through life, in science,” said FORTS in the process of the ceremony unveiling the monument. The author of the composition — the sculptor Artem Rodionov.

The largest in Russia monument to the scientists opened in Chernogolovka

Work on the monument lasted for more than one year. Founder and managing Director of the Institute of chemical physics, USSR Academy of Sciences, together with Pyotr Kapitsa, he founded the Moscow physics and technical University (MIPT). Soviet and Russian physical chemist, corresponding member of RAS (1991; corresponding member an the USSR with 1979).


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