Monday, December 12, 2016

Roskomnadzor has blocked itself

Roskomnadzor blocked “localhost”

Roskomnadzor “forever” has blocked the website offering the track to playback karaoke. At the same time, as the resource “Roskomsvoboda”, the Agency mistakenly indicated as the IP addresses of the locked resources “″.

This IP address called “localhost”. It provides the user the ability to access the same computers on which he works. For the same Roskomnadzor address to IP address “″ will mean an appeal to his own computer. Thus, the lock providers that IP address is meaningless, says technical expert Michael Klimarev.

Subsequently, the operation to rule out the blocking of the site Now this site is blocked again, but with other IP addresses.

“Eternal” blocking websites karaoke

Lock was implemented in the framework of the “anti-piracy” law adopted for the first time in 2013 To 2015, entered into force on the extended edition of “anti-piracy” law, which allows rights holders to all types of content in addition to photos, to achieve through the court blocking access to websites that infringe their rights.

Roskomnadzor blocked ip address “localhost” is

however, if the same site twice guilty of infringing the rights of the same rightholders, the court decides on the “eternal” blocking of this resource. Unlike a normal lock, “eternal” blocking only by IP address and cannot be canceled even in the event of termination of a resource of violation of the rights of the plaintiff.

In 2016, the right holders have to file the first complaint to sites with backing tracks for karaoke, and now it came to the “eternal” blocking of such resources.

In the case of website the initiator of a lawsuit was the company “sidikom Pablishn”. The reason was the song Polina Gagarina No.

Incorrect lock

In Roskomnadzor at the time of publication did not answer the question CNews regarding the blocking of the IP address “″. Lately it any more the first case when the activities of Roskomnadzor to block illegal resource leads to funny things.

in the Summer, the Agency began to submit to the Register of banned sites, mirror sites, involving gambling themes. Including under the lock and got the website provider SSL certificates Comodo (these certificates are used for encrypted sites). The irony of the situation lay in the fact that the Roskomnadzor use certificates from Comodo. Later Comodo was unlocked.


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