Monday, December 5, 2016

Вести.net: the return of Nokia and the Charter of the British bloodhounds – Вести.Ru

Nokia returns to the telephone business. When to wait again on the shelves of Finnish tubes, and whether they Finnish? This — as well as that enshrined in the Charter of bloodhounds in the program Вести.net.

the New phones under the Nokia brand will be back on sale next year. Nokia announced transfer of rights to your mobile company’s brand HMD Global. Under the agreement, Global HMD will pay Nokia a percentage of sales of future phones. The term of the license of intellectual property, Nokia is 10 years.

it is Noteworthy that the Global HMD itself is also registered in Finland, and it is headed by one of the former leaders Nokia — Arto Nummela. The fact is that Finland, for which the sale of Nokia was an irreplaceable loss, revives the legendary brand, gathering of former employees of Nokia and the mobile division to Microsoft — albeit under the new name of the company.

the Only difference is the lack of HMD of its own production. The company will release a new Nokia device in conjunction with FIH Mobile is a subsidiary of the giant Taiwanese Foxconn, the largest electronics manufacturer. It works going the “iPhones”. The release of the new Nokia devices scheduled for 2017. Their announcement is likely to happen at the world mobile Congress held in Barcelona in late February. As expected, the company will show there Android smartphone D1C, the image of which was leaked earlier in the month. Also, according to rumors, the HMD will display and the new tablet.

in Addition, the company focuses on push-button phones, which are still popular in developing countries and strongly associated with the brand Nokia. In may of this year, FIH Mobile has acquired from Microsoft part of the mobile division of Nokia, engaged in push-button phones. It is noteworthy that it was then headed by the current Executive Director of the Global HMD Arto Nummela, who was involved in a promotion push Nokia phones in Asia and Africa.

as for the Nokia itself, but now there remained only two main divisions: Nokia Networks, which is engaged in telecommunication equipment, and Nokia Technologies, which is trying to keep the brand custom electronics. In recent news from Nokia Technologies came quite exotic — for example, on the issue of a panoramic camera Ozo, or the recent acquisition of the company Withings, which deals with devices for tracking health indicators.


In Britain, the rage of battle around the new legislation relating to online act the powers of investigation, which critics called “the Charter of bloodhounds”. Petition for the abolition of the law gathered more than 150 thousand signatures. In turn, the Minister of security in the UK Ben Wallace actually accused people that oppose the new rules, that they are against democracy and freedom.

Queen Elizabeth II approved the law on the powers of the investigation last week. And, despite the absence of the word Internet in the title, we are talking about what British Internet service providers are now required throughout the year to store all browser history of users. In the first place — information about visited websites. The content of the pages to save is not required. It should also be recalled that the government of England already require providers to share information about the user’s contact phone and e-mail.

the New law also allows the government to access this data without a court order. Not only the police but also the Ministry of health, transport and others. In addition, police receive the right to deliberate hacking into any computer for information. At the same time introduces a ban on listening to members of the house of lords without the permission of the Prime Minister. “The Charter of the dogs” will come into force in 2017. Required to implement it infrastructure is not yet ready, but a substantial part of it will be launched by 31 December.

Initially, the law on wiretapping tried to hold in 2012, but the Parliament rejected it. It is noteworthy that its author was the current Prime Minister Theresa may, which this time managed to get it through the Parliament.

it Should be noted that many of the critics arguments. In particular, it is considered that the implementation of the law may adversely affect the work of journalists — allegedly the police will intercept data on the sources of investigative journalism. The authorities claim that they will need the permission of the court. As we have said, the petition to repeal the law was signed by 150 thousand people. In addition, the new law was made by Edward Snowden and the biggest IT companies — Google, Facebook and Microsoft.

However, this is not enough to bring back the law for discussion in Parliament — especially as the majority of citizens, apparently oblivious to the surveillance authorities. Those who it makes uncomfortable, most likely you just use the VPN services that is now available to any user. Such capabilities have many browsers, particularly Opera.


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