Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Employees of the Russian Space Agency have banned travel outside Russia – RSUTE

Roscosmos is a special enterprise in Russia, so its employees with access to sensitive information recently banned from traveling abroad. Such an order issued guidance Federal Space Agency “Roscosmos”. The text states that employees of enterprises of rocket and space industry (RCP), which are the carriers of information constituting state secrets, will not be able to rest abroad. Short and sweet.

As we found out reporters to such measures of the head of the Federal Space agency Alexander Ivanov went to ensure the personal safety of employees in the sector, as well as protect the safety of information of public importance. The emphasis is on the fact that some of the staff still will be able to travel outside Russia, however, this is due to the necessity of obtaining a qualified health care alternatives that Russia does not have.

In the document, received by all the heads of enterprises of rocket and space industry, also said that if necessary, leave for trips abroad employee awareness of the issue and the importance of secrecy, it is necessary to submit to it all the information validity. Moreover, Ivanov recommends that heads of enterprises of the decisions taken by the departure of employees abroad, without fail, inform the security service of the Russian Space Agency. Thus, the agency intends to prevent the leakage of the country information of special importance and secrecy that is quite an urgent problem, especially given the events of special services of foreign countries that have received unprecedented scale.

Potential restrictions on travel can touch so many employees rocket -kosmicheskoy industry. On a number of large companies such as ISS Reshetnev, Votkinsk plant, some form of access to state secrets is, in the overwhelming number of employees (in previous years, the tolerance required for all employees of such organizations).

«Up to now, then the space industry employees with access to state secrets could go on vacation abroad relative freedom “- says one of the employees of the company that is building the satellites.” – “This required permission to head the organization and visa security chief. Business executives asked for permission to travel to the Russian Space Agency. Actually, it’s the same resolution in exactly the same form as is required now. But get it noticeably more difficult ».

According to experts, the disposal of this nature has long acquired the status of an urgent need, since foreign intelligence are so brazen in their activities, which did not even shun steal our compatriots when they are in third countries.

According to the interlocutor of “Izvestia” Roskosmos, shortly after sending the letter Security Service Roscosmos gave explanations that leave the owners of the third form of the admission authority can not be limited.

In November 2011, the former while the head of Roscosmos, Vladimir Popovkin, issued a similar decree “On Restriction of departure from the Russian workers’ organizations of the rocket and space industry.” However, in the disposal mentioned “executives and employees informed about the information of special importance or top secret information”. That is, in this category did not get the owners of the third most common form of admission. In addition, Popovkin used in the disposal of the verb ‘recommend’ and further explained that it is not a prohibition, and the streamlining of departure of employees abroad.

The restrictions on leaving on holiday abroad now operate in the FSB Russia, the Interior Ministry and Defense Ministry. Thus, for example, the Interior Ministry’s employees need to execute the head of the territorial body of the resolution to leave, even without access to state secrets. The Ministry of Industry and restriction information out of employees of military-industrial complex is not confirmed nor denied.

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