Moscow, January 25, 2016, 06:26 – REGNUM In the modern cars of 30 hundreds of computers to which, unfortunately, can connect to the attacker. On what dangers lie in wait for motorists told “Izvestia” CEO “Kaspersky Lab” Evgeny Kaspersky, and Director of Business Development Andrew Duhvalov.
Many of the systems in the vehicle are still unsafe. “We are actively working with those for auto companies making computer systems” – said Kaspersky.
In modern cars are increasingly replacing mechanics come circuitry. “You turn the wheel. Do you think there is a mechanic work? Existing systems without full mechanical connection … – says Kaspersky. – There is a wire. On the one hand – IP-address, on the other hand – IP-address “. Such a scheme can be applied in the braking system and other systems of driving.
In the case of a successful break, the attacker can affect the car from the outside. “For example, in 2015, a group of researchers cracked the Jeep Cherokee and sent him into a ditch. The connection was external – in the air, took control of the vehicle itself, “- said CEO of the company.
Currently,” Kaspersky Lab is developing a secure operating system for cars. According to Andrei Duhvalova, companies have not had to work in this area with the Russian manufacturers, but it is possible that the situation will change in the near future.
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