What is happening with the ruble, and, above all, exchange rate fluctuations opens new opportunities for small and medium business in Russia, stated today Vladimir Putin at a meeting with businessmen, where they discussed prospects and challenges. A problem, as it turns out, a lot, but the most important – step by step to solve them. How to make the monitoring bodies do not interfere with work, credit issues, benefits for businesses at a time when it really can help someone stay afloat, but to someone and grow.
What is happening to ruble, and, above all, exchange rate fluctuations opens new opportunities for small and medium business in Russia, he stated today Vladimir Putin at a meeting with businessmen, where they discussed the prospects and problems. A problem, as it turns out, a lot, but the most important – step by step to solve them. How to make the monitoring bodies do not interfere with work, credit issues, benefits for businesses at a time when it really can help someone stay afloat, but to someone and grow.
See how before our eyes fresh milk is transformed into natural cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt. The idea of a cheese factory, as they say in full confidence, where shoppers will be able to evaluate the entire production process and buy the finished product, Olga Polinova pondered for several years. But only last year decided to start their own business.
“The idea is, I want to develop it. I believe that the crisis – this is the time period when standing still try and open”, – says entrepreneur Olga Polinova.
The idea really was successful. The item on the counter with Olga not zalёzhivaetsya. The plans – new cheese factory, a private dairy farm, but not enough money. Almost everything earned is spent on rent, wages, taxes, but the biggest cost item – payments on loans.
“The bank did not go to meet us and said – you just can not guarantee us stability in the payment. And we had to take a consumer loan at very high interest rates: about 40 per cent per annum. But no! There was no way out, there was nothing to do. Accordingly, we dare to try, “- says Olga Polinova entrepreneur.
Loans. If you listen to the conversations of small businesses, which in those days came from across the country at a forum in Moscow, it seems, the problem tops the list of the most exciting. Head of the Association of Entrepreneurs “Support of Russia” Alexander Kalinin pointed out the head of state to attend one of the meetings of the forum, and high interest rates, and the fact that the banks are in principle reluctant to give money to small businesses, unlike large companies.
A. Kalinin: “We have a proposal: to entrust the government to study the issue of approval in banks with state participation, when approved by the factors for awarding the administrative board of the bank that was a factor which depends on the decrease or increase in the share of loans to small and medium enterprises in the total portfolio Bank “.
Putin:” Anton Germanovich so crooked smiled. What? You do not work in a bank. The main difficulties are clear: there can be low interest rates at a certain situation on the markets, the economy, or we are just the reverse side will pick up in the economy, Ogre her with a stick so that it will not rise again. We must be very careful not to ruin the macroeconomic foundation on which the whole is quite stable, despite all the external risks and complexity, is our economy. In banks with state participation, too, can quite see how much they have in sectors directed their resources: only the “Rosneft” and “Gazprom” give or they work with a large range of clients, including small and medium businesses. And according to evaluate their work, including this applies to the premium “.
Taxes – another sore point. In recent years, made a lot of breaks for businesses. For example, a two-year tax holiday for those who for the first time decided to start their own business, already announced in the majority of regions of Russia. But the rate of the simplified taxation scheme from six percent to a decreased while less than half of the subjects of the federation.
The entrepreneurs noticed the head of state and significantly grown fines. For each minor violation is now an average of pay has a hundred thousand instead of 40 as before. And, often businessmen themselves are not even aware of the violation as long as they have not come to check.
A. Kalinin: “There are two options at the bodies of control and supervision: to write out a fine or a warning. Fines have increased in recent years at times. Maybe, remember the good traditions of Soviet times, when control was also, and was quite hard, but the supervisor came as a consultant. He wrote out a prescription, giving time for elimination – two months, and if it has not been executed, while already taking measures of a different order “.
In. Putin:” Of course, plans are probably some there how much they have to “chop” of these fines, but not in this sense, the meaning is not fiscal in this case. The idea is to create conditions for normal economic activity. And thank you for what you are reminded of the practice, be sure to talk with colleagues on this subject: in fact, a warning and then a fine. Nothing transcendent not in this proposal “.
Since January across the country came into effect a moratorium on planned checks of entrepreneurs, who for the last three years there were no serious violations. At the same time, the number of unplanned inspections, which allowed to carry out in response to complaints not reduced. Moreover, now these same complaints used and unfair competition, and simply as a way to annoy. After all, as a rule, they are sent anonymously.
In. Putin: “All the complaints, including the Internet, of course, must be individual. This applies not only to complaints in the area of operation of small and medium-sized businesses. Generally, in general, of course, the Internet is easy to hide, rude, name-calling and at the same time to declare its some extreme position. At the same time it is not clear who is doing. But if a person has some kind of position, have any claim – let him say, would call themselves. Otherwise it is not a claim and not a complaint, this anonymous letter, and there is only one inspector worked well – Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria “.
It was said at the forum and on the decriminalization of business. Even last address to the Federal Assembly in December, Vladimir Putin paid note that only in 2014 against the employers was opened about 200 thousand criminal cases. Of these, less than a third came to trial. The majority of businessmen were forced to close their business. The President proposed for minor infractions punished not Criminal and the Administrative Code. However, the President drew attention to the entrepreneurs that are now considered minor violations, damage from which does not exceed 250 thousand rubles, and asked to consider the possibility to increase this level.
V.Korochkin: “Increasing this threshold as suggested by half does not solve the problem. In this regard, we would request to consider the possibility still increase this threshold is a multiple of, or at least five times “.
In. Putin:” You just have to look at what the law says I have to these thresholds I do not remember. You said five times – 250 million “.
V.Korochkin:” There’s just common to all turns out: for an individual and for the economic entity “.
In. Putin: “Yes, of course, need to be differentiated, and if we are talking about a large scale – of course, it’s not 250 thousand. Of course, it is possible to increase five times, you only need to carefully deal with this, what’s what, what amounts to what are, and it is these thresholds can be increased. Here I fully agree with you “.
We discussed with the President entrepreneurs and measures to support the promotion of domestic products to foreign markets. Especially now, as noted by Vladimir Putin, taking into account exchange rate fluctuations, when domestic goods are much cheaper than foreign, good opportunities and to increase exports and to gain a foothold in the domestic market. Proposals to facilitate the working conditions of small businesses in our country are many. And most of them are expected to be presented in the new Strategy for the Development of Small and medium-sized businesses designed for one and a half decades to come.
Putin: government support small business – support the economy
Vladimir Putin: The government will support small businesses – support the economy
Vladimir Putin: The government will support small businesses – support the economy
Vladimir Putin: The government will support small businesses – support the economy
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