Friday, January 22, 2016

“VKontakte” creates Russian Instagram – St. Petersburg and the World

The social network “VKontakte” plans to win market share, which currently holds Instagram. As it became known from the words of the source of “VKontakte”, soon will launch a new social network Snapster, the basis of which will be the same name application.

According to some reports, the resource will work on Domain According to preliminary information, the new service will be operated in such a way that the photos will not be merged into a single RSS feed, and stir it with other images, as in “VKontakte”, or Instagram. Moreover, in each of the “rooms” at the same time be able to work a few authors who will have the opportunity, how to publish new photos and text, and adjust the already existing content. But what is important, Snapster will allow users to more detailed work with colors, creating filters in its sole discretion, and, if desired, by sharing them with your friends.

Now we are working on a new application, and on the site At the heart of the new social network is the concept of “fotokomnat.” It is, in fact, the same Public and communities, as in “VKontakte”, but with the obligatory picture for each post. For every “room” will be to appoint a number of authors who will be able to publish or edit photos, and text. The source of “Izvestia” noted that the new service all pictures will not be mixed in a single news section, as it happens in Instagram or “VKontakte».

Snapster – free application released social network VKontakte for sharing photos with elements of social network allows you to take photos, apply filters, and distribute them through its service, and a number of other social networks. The application is compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch on iOS 7.1 and above, as well as phones with Android 4.0 and above. Distribution is through the App Store and Google Play respectively.

Immediately after the publication of the first release of the application Snapster, the media called the main competitor of the world-famous Instagram, which is owned by global giant Facebook.

Experts note that the Notifications tab in Snapster less functional than Instagrame. It displays huskies, comments (only those that go to the user), and new subscribers, but does not allow to look at the actions of friends. The latter, apparently, corresponds to the policy of “VKontakte”: in most social networks is also impossible to see what other users laykayut. Someone such closeness Snapster may come to mind.

However, the application is now actively being finalized and “if Snapster avoid the mistakes of his chief rival, then it will shift Instagram. But it will be hard for one functional fotokomnat will be small. We will look, if we’re there we can create a new format, such as on Twitter, then we will gladly primknite. While too early, “- said the head of the Public MDK Roberto Panchvidze.

Instagram – free application for sharing photos and videos with elements of social network, lets you take pictures and video, apply filters, and distribute them through a service and a number of other social networks. [4] Instagram makes a square-shaped pictures – instant print cameras Polaroid, Kodak Instamatic camera and medium format 6 × 6 (Most mobile photoappendices uses an aspect ratio of 3: 2). C August 26, 2015 Instagram has introduced the ability to add photos and videos with landscape and portrait orientation, without clipping to a square shape.



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