Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Employees of the Russian Space Agency have banned travel outside Russia – SoftSraze: actual and objectively

can no longer travel abroad. The exception would be leaving for treatment in the absence of the possibility to recover in Russia. Guide Roscosmos ordered to restrict travel on vacation outside of the Russian Federation for the employees of the rocket and space industry, awareness of information constituting a state secret.

In a letter to the Acting Head of the Federal Space Agency Alexander Ivanov, addressed to heads enterprises and organizations of the rocket and space industry, which is at the disposal of the newspaper “Izvestia”, said that “in order to ensure the personal safety of employees of enterprises, protection of the state secret heads of enterprises and organizations is necessary to limit travel outside of the Russian Federation on holiday workers knowledgeable in the information containing state secrets. Valid exceptional case consideration of such a possibility to assume the need for qualified medical care abroad in the absence of such a possibility in the Russian Federation ».

The same document the heads of enterprises of space-rocket industry prescribed” to provide a full justification for the need to travel to trips abroad employees, especially awareness of particular importance and top secret information “. For a decision on the departure of employees abroad Ivanov requested to inform the Security Service of the Russian Space Agency.

As a prerequisite for publication of these orders in the letter referred to “the unprecedented scale of the activities of special services of foreign states on total the extraction of protected state and commercial secrets up before the abduction of Russian citizens in third countries ».

– Newsletter letter Ivanov on businesses was in November and December of last year – told” Izvestia “an informed source in the Russian Space Agency. – The document was prepared at the direction of the top in the framework of measures to strengthen the security of staff, the Russian Space Agency initiative was not here. As far as I know, the same paper it was proposed to release and other federal bodies of executive power. Just know that almost as a circular was sent to defense enterprises, subordinated to the Ministry of Industry.

Potential restrictions on travel can touch so many employees the space industry. On a number of large companies such as ISS Reshetnev, Votkinsk plant, some form of access to state secrets is, in the overwhelming number of employees (in previous years, the tolerance required for all employees of such organizations).

– So then the space industry employees with access to state secrets could go on vacation abroad relatively freely, – says one of the employees of the company that is building satellites. – This required permission to head the organization and visa security chief. Business executives asked for permission to travel to the Russian Space Agency. Actually, it’s the same resolution in exactly the same form as is required now. But get it noticeably more difficult.

According to the general director of the company “Kosmokurs” Paul Pushkin tightening of going abroad will complicate the task of attracting young people to the enterprises of the industry.

– Tolerance make out even students MAI or Baumanke, a third form of admission (the minimum. – “News”) has virtually all industry employees – said Pushkin. – In reality, with secret information to work 5-10% of people have this tolerance. If at least introduce a scheme that restrictions apply certain time after acquaintance with classified information, then that will smooth the situation considerably. But if the minimum form of admission covers travel abroad, this will scare away young people. They do not go to work in the industry.

According to the interlocutor of “Izvestia” Roskosmos, shortly after sending the letter Security Service Roscosmos gave explanations that leave the owners of the third form of the admission authority can not be limited.

– Here it is likely to strengthen control, – says the source of “Izvestia”. – Following the dispatch of the letter was given to clarification: ban can not, but we need to know who and where he was going, in the event of unforeseen circumstances know who where evacuated. At one of the companies was a conflict when a woman with a third form of admission to the New Year’s wanted to go to Turkey. We told her that there can not be, and it still says that he would go. The conflict finally was solved at the level of the security service of Roskosmos – the lady wrote a statement that the whole danger is aware, and went to Turkey.

In November 2011, the then head of the Russian Federal Space Agency Vladimir Popovkin has issued similar decree “On Restriction of exit Russian organizations of workers of rocket-space industry. ” However, in the disposal mentioned “executives and employees informed about the information of special importance or top secret information”. That is, in this category did not get the owners of the third most common form of admission. In addition, Popovkin used in the disposal of the verb ‘recommend’ and further explained that it is not a prohibition, and the streamlining of departure of employees abroad.

The restrictions on leaving on holiday abroad now operate in the FSB Russia, the Interior Ministry and Defense Ministry. Thus, for example, law enforcement officers need to issue permit head of the territorial authority for departure even when there is no access to state secrets.

The Ministry of Industry and restriction information out of employees of military-industrial complex is not confirmed nor denied.

– It really looks like a rendition of “orders from above” – ​​told to tighten security and control, and the Federal Space Agency has sent a letter here, – says the scientific director of the Institute of Space Policy, Ivan Moiseyev. – Although if you look, limit the right of a person to leave can only law. Departmental Circular, this issue can not be solved because it no problem to be challenged in court.


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