Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation published the first results of the DNA examination of the remains of the royal family – the first channel

The first results of examination of the alleged remains of the royal family confirmed their authenticity – This was stated by the Investigation Committee with the proviso that the study all still going on and a lot of work. Waiting for the final conclusion and the descendants of the imperial house, and church representatives.

The first results of examination of the putative remains of the royal family confirmed their authenticity – This was stated by the Investigation Committee with the proviso that the investigation is still going on and a lot of work. Waiting for the final conclusion and the descendants of the imperial house, and church representatives.

Today’s most extensive study of remains found near Yekaterinburg, began after TFR reopened the case of the death of the Romanov family. Why return to this issue and why it is important to establish the truth?

The current examination of the Imperial remains on the account is not the first. In the language of professionals called supporting such research. They are carried out in the case of old, it is difficult allocated DNA. So in this case: only the latest technology can provide a definitive answer to the question, who still belonged to the body, found in July 1991 in Ekaterinburg. New DNA samples of Nicholas II and his wife, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna received after the exhumation of the remains of about a month to check with genotype direct relatives in the female line. And in the interim results of the study seem to dispel all doubts.

“In these samples, found a rare genetic mutation, was present at the Romanovs. In addition, as a result of the genetic analysis of a fragment of the skeleton of the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna identified areas coinciding with options Queen Victoria’s maternal line. And the Empress, as we know, just was a granddaughter of Queen of Great Britain, “- said the official representative of the Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin.

The experts worked with fragments of the lower jaw, skull and cervical vertebrae of the remains of the last Russian tsar and his wife. The principal was a fence of DNA from different parts of skeletons. Only in this way it was possible to refute several popular myths. After the brutal murder of the body of the royal family set fire to maximize complicate the identification process, and so far there have been rumors that the remains were not completely buried, and the head of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna were separated from the bodies and eventually lost. The more important today results for historians.

“Every time do these tests, the DNA it with time it destroyed. And can be isolated from this DNA material – always a question. Scientifically, I believe that the question is closed, “- said the head of the State Archive of the Russian Federation Sergey Mironenko.

However, the identification process is still ongoing. Now experts will compare the available DNA samples of Nicholas II with his ancestors in the male line.

“Blood samples were taken from the clothing and shoes of the Emperor Alexander II, who died in the terrorist act. This clothing and footwear are in the Hermitage, now will be a comparative study between the fragments of the skull of Nicholas II and blood of Emperor Alexander II, his grandfather, “- said a senior investigator criminologist Main Department of Criminology Investigative Committee Vladimir Solovyov.

But that’s not all. Until the end, Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg vskroyut tomb of Emperor Alexander III. It is made to carry out a comparative analysis of the latest DNA – Nicholas II and his immediate family, his father. It seems a formality. But many descendants of the Romanov is still not sure of the authenticity of the remains of the imperial family. The same position is shared by the Russian Orthodox Church. We are talking about people canonized. But until now, their remains are not worshiped as holy relics. And now experts say with confidence: the probability of error is practically impossible.

“When we conducted a review in 2008 of all identifications, the probability of error was 1h10²² for Nicholas II. Such values ​​simply can not be achieved ever in criminology. In this case, at the end of these analyzes likely to be, again, Probably one of hundreds of millions “, – says head of department of Human Genomics Institute of General Genetics. Vavilov Evgeniy Rogayev.

Scientists and investigators plan to complete its work within three months. Detailed position of the church, as the chairman of the Synodal Information Department of the Moscow Patriarchate Vsevolod Legoyda, will be presented on Friday, November 13, at a special press conference, Bishop Tikhon Yegoryevsky.

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