Friday, November 13, 2015

It’s time to their homeland, “VKontakte” and “Classmates” are derived from offshore – Express-News

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13.11 | 11:06

Mail.Ru Group, previously owned by two popular Russian social networks via offshore companies, the ownership structure has changed and now owns them through a domestic company.

Ownership change in the ownership structure does not changed, say ‘. ” The press service of the Group explained that the change in ownership structure that took place this year, related to the “consolidation of the Group and simplify its structure».

At present, the main Russian legal entities, consolidating ownership of all major asset Holding, Ltd. has become the “Internet company”, which is the general director Elena Bagudina.

Legal experts point out that the ban on direct work with offshore jurisdictions in Russia there, but for leading this work is complicated by the companies commissioning enhanced reporting and monitoring of the transfer of funds.

On the eve of the press service of Mail.Ru Group made an official statement about what happened this year due to the consolidation and simplification of its group structure. Now, the main Russian legal entities in whose hands are concentrated assets of the holding, was sold to OOO “Internet company” According to the register, the CEO of the company is Elena Bagudina.

The development of the social network “VKontakte” Company Ltd. is engaged in “VKontakte”. Until July 2015 she owned 50.07% of the company Mail.Ru Group Limited (British Virgin Islands) and 49.93% – Cyprus Vk.Com Holdings Limited.

From August 2015 50.07 % owned by the Russian company “” (a wholly owned subsidiary of “Internet Company”), a 49.93% – of the company “Internet company” The latter belongs to 99.993% of the Cyprus MGL Meil.Ru Eviti Limited.

According to the annual report of Mail.Ru Group, in 2014. Revenue social network “VKontakte” (according to International Financial Reporting Standards – IFRS) amounted to 4.3 billion.

Russian legal entities and is now owned by the social network “Classmates”. If earlier the same name company 100% owned by Cyprus Odnoklassniki Holdings Limited, with the August 2015 one hundred percent owner of the company was already mentioned “Internet company».

According, in 2014 revenues Ltd. “Classmates” under RAS amounted to 16.2 billion rubles, and the profit – 9.2 billion rubles.

After the restructuring of the two Cypriot companies – Vk.Com Holdings Limited and Odnoklassniki Holdings Limited were not out of work. On their fate in Mail.Ru Group did not speak.

Since September 2015 a wholly owned company “Internet company” and the game became a division of the holding – LLC “ Geymz.” Until September, they held Cyprus Nessli Holdings Limited. According, in 2014, OOO “ Geymz ‘revenue amounted to 8.9 billion rubles, profit – 2.8 billion rubles.

Director of the Institute of Economics actual Nikita Isayev suggested that restructuring It caused by changes in the Russian legislation. June 1 this year came into effect a law № 140-FZ “On the voluntary declaration of natural persons of assets and accounts (deposits) at banks and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (also called the law of amnesty of capital, or the law of deofshorizatsii) . According to Isayev, the circuit with the “layers” of Russian companies fit for the requirements of the Act, but requires a firm that is facing offshore company, relevant reporting date.


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