Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Gadgets can be charged via Wi-Fi – commander

The Washington University researchers have developed a technology, which can be used to charge mobile devices via Wi-Fi, they have made a prototype for the wireless charging gadgets on the Wi-Fi- router.

Scientists from the United States of America learned to charge mobile phones, tablets and laptops using Wi-Fi. Such information appeared on the official website of the University of Washington.
The text message said that at the moment the technology is still under development, but now have the opportunity to recharge the batteries of small capacity. It is reported that for battery digital camera to a mark of 41 percent took about two and a half hours.

It is noted that the gadget was at a distance of 8.5 m from the source. Also, the authors of the project have been able to charge the camera module is the energy required to perform the snapshot. Using Wi-Fi, the researchers were able with the help of supercapacitors connected with a small camera, located 8 meters away from the router; every 35 minutes to collect enough energy to take a picture.

Scientists emphasize that the advantage of this technology is that the gadget to charge and Wi-Fi access network will be at the same time. According to them, this technology is currently capable to charge devices with low energy consumption, such as fitness bracelets.

«Already today there is a huge Wi-Fi-infrastructure. If we can convert it to energy distribution, it allows you to use a wireless Energy in homes and offices, “- said one of the researchers.

This technology is not new. Companies like Energous y; s announced the market launch in 2016. The Wi-Fi-charging for smartphones. True Energous technology allows you to transfer energy wirelessly over a distance of up to 4.7 meters.

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