Friday, November 13, 2015

Scientists have learned the secret of the origin of water on Earth – OAnews

Scientists have learned the secret of the origin of water on Earth

As stated in the article, which was published in the edition of Science, the ancient rocks of our planet from the Canadian Arctic islands have told researchers that Water in the world originally existed on the surface, but has not been delivered by asteroids or comets.

Lydia Hallis from the Scottish University of Glasgow said that scientists have found that water molecules in these rocks have low content of deuterium, heavy hydrogen . And it indicates that the water came to our planet with the dust, which formed our planet. A lot of water has evaporated, but formed from the remnants of the oceans.

A group of scientists headed by Hallis demonstrated that in fact the Earth’s oceans could be filled with their own water, which examined samples of ancient basalt. These fragments contain the inclusion – little balls, consisting of crystals of refractory rock. They did not leave the earth’s interior, not mixed with other species and contain primordial matter of the planet.

It was found that primary terrestrial rocks contain enough deuterium, heavy hydrogen, is much smaller than is in the waters of the current oceans in a matter of small asteroids and comets. This indicates that the water comes from a primary substance of the Earth.

According Hallis initially primordial matter of the solar system had very little deuterium. It is heavier than hydrogen atoms and therefore it can be much slower to evaporate into space than conventional protons. Over time, the amount of deuterium is reduced. Therefore, low deuterium concentration in water indicates that the water current of the oceans is ‘earthly’ origin.

Now few scientists believe that part of the gas and the water could arise in the world “on their own”, because the planet is hot part of the so-called protoplanetary disk. There’s water ice and other frozen substances are destroyed under the rays of the newborn sun.

But planetary scientists have a lot of evidence that the Earth could be formed in a cold and distant region of the protoplanetary disk, and it was “fitting” to the modern orbit Saturn and Jupiter. The discovery of a group of scientists headed by Hallis could be an additional argument for the truth of the “migration” of the theory.


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