Saturday, November 21, 2015

NASA Apollo 12 moon landing showed – Dni.Ru

Historical Photo lunar landing of the descent module of the spacecraft “Apollo-12″, which was held on November 19, 1969, published by the American Space Agency. The picture shows the ship landed 50 meters from the edge of the crater Ptolemy.

NASA on its website published a high quality photo landing module Apollo missions 12 . During the lunar landing, which took place November 19, 1969 at 06:55 GMT, as we are assured the Americans, the human foot has once again set foot on the surface of the satellite. Then the space ship landed 50 meters from the edge of the crater, Ptolemy, and approximately 200 meters from the unit “Surveyor-3″.

The device Apollo 12, the second time in its existence made a landing on the surface of the satellite. The picture was taken with the command module. Center photo of the lunar surface has coordinates 4.5 degrees west longitude and seven degrees south latitude. In the foreground of the image – large craters Ptolemy, and a little less – Herschel .

On board the Lunar Module were: commander Charles Conrad – junior pilot module Alan Bean, astronaut Richard Gordon . While Conrad and Bean descended from the Lunar Module and studied the surface of the satellite in orbit remained as a pilot Gordon to keep in touch with colleagues. Note that US astronauts during the period from 1969 to 1972, made six times landing on the moon.

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