Saturday, November 28, 2015

Scientists believe they found the tomb of Nefertiti – BBC Russian

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Image caption Queen Nefertiti was considered the standard of beauty

working in Egypt, archaeologists say they have found evidence that the tomb of Tutankhamun is a secret room, which can be buried in the ancient Egyptian queen Nefertiti.

The Minister of Egypt’s Protection of ancient monuments Mamdouh al-Damato said that 90% of the experts believe that found room under Tuttanhamona tomb in Luxor. This they achieved by scanning the tomb with the help of special equipment that does not damage the ancient monuments.

The British Egyptologist Nicolas Reeves intends to conduct further research that, he believes, is the burial place of Nefertiti.

The queen was famous for its ethereal beauty. Her name translates as “Beautiful was”.

Egyptian queen Nefertiti was in 1351-1334 years BC.

Image copyright AFP
Image caption Theory Nicholas Reeves (pictured) will be either confirmed or refuted in shortly

Nicholas Reeves believes that Tutankhamun, who died at age 19 in about 1323 BC, could leave this life so suddenly that it had to be buried in the front part of the tomb was originally intended for Nefertiti.

Some people believe that Tutankhamen could be the son of Nefertiti. His tomb was discovered in 1922.

The tomb of Tutankhamun was the only one found so far the tombs of the pharaohs, which has remained virtually untouched by looters. It was more than two thousand items.

Dr Reeves said that some features of the structure of the tomb indicate that it was originally prepared for the queen, not Pharaoh. These assumptions have not yet been confirmed by other well-known Egyptologists.

  • Her full name Nefer-Nefer-Aten Nefertiti means ” perfect beauty of Aton, Lovely was “
  • She was the queen of Egypt and wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten
  • Nefertiti and her husband established the cult of Aten, the sun god
  • It is believed that she got married at 15 and gave birth to six daughters and one son
  • According to some theories, Nefertiti was the mother of Tutankhamun

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