Wednesday, November 18, 2015

How much sex is necessary for happiness – Dni.Ru

Canadian psychologists have found out how often have sex are the happiest people. The most happy were those who carnal pleasures given once a week. Meanwhile, scientists have refuted the myth that men need sex more than women.
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press / imago stock & amp; people

Experts from the University of Toronto Misissaugi (Canada) conducted polnomastshabnoe study whose purpose was to find out, How often you need to have sex to be happy. The results refuted a few stereotypes.

“Despite the fact that more frequent sex is associated with an increased feeling of happiness, this relationship disappears if it happens more than once a week “, – said the author of the scientific work of Amy Myuiz. The publication appeared in the Journal of Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

For the study scientists have collected data from surveys of the US population over the past 40 years. Psychologists have studied the sexual habits of about 30 thousand people. As a result, the researchers were able to find out what level of sexual desire does not depend on age or sex: need sex and men and women throughout their lives.

Previous days. Roux wrote that regular sex has a positive effect on the character of the man and his career. Such an opinion was expressed by the majority of Russians. At the same time the women interviewed denied the stereotype that after lovemaking strong sex increases drowsiness and appetite.

Also, frequent sex helps with kidney disease. This told the Turkish scientists who have found have found that regular sex life contributes to the effective conclusion of stones (stones) located in the lower part of the ureter.

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