Thursday, November 12, 2015

The smallest planet was struck by scientists – Dni.Ru

The American astronomers have found another contender for the title of most distant inhabitant of the solar system. V774104 dwarf planet is 15 billion kilometers from the sun.

How to assure scientists from the Carnegie Institute for Science in Washington, they have found the most distant objects in the solar system. Planet V774104, the diameter of which ranges from 500 to 1,000 kilometers, three times farther from the Sun than Pluto. The unusual orbit of the new dwarf planet was struck by astronomers and forced to seek exposure to unknown planets or nearby stars.

According to Science News, the discovery was made using the eight-meter optical telescope Subaru, set in Hawaii. Planet V774104 located at 12 billion kilometers from the Sun , and may belong to a number of celestial bodies, staying within the so-called Oort Cloud at the farthest fringes of the solar system.

This is the “cloud” consisting from comets and other “icy” bodies, is located at a distance of 150-1500 astronomical units (an average distance between the Earth and the Sun) from our star. The most interesting of these objects – that their elongated orbits can not be explained by a device of the solar system. According to one theory, they could distort the unseen giant planet. Scientists believe it is a “cloud” a kind of dumping ground “construction materials” ejected from the solar system during its formation.

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