Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Breakfast will be an excellent student – Dni.Ru

Scientists at Cardiff University have established the relationship between breakfast and academic performance of the child. It turned out that the students are not skipping the first meal, attend an average of two times better than those who refuse breakfast.
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press / imago stock & amp; people

The American scientists conducted an experiment, which was attended by students from 9 to 11 years. Children told how and what they eat during the day. The study lasted from six to 18 months. It turned out that children who received a dense and regular breakfast, attended by an average two times better , than those who did not have the habit of eating in the morning, says the magazine Public Health Nutrition.

The quality of food experts have paid special attention, as children who prefer fast food or dzhankfud such as crisps and sweets, mastered the curriculum worse than the rest . According to the study, so used to eating breakfast every fifth child.

The results of the experiment confirmed by the importance of the morning meal to improve the academic performance of children. The researchers hope that their work is at last put an end to the constant debate about the appropriateness of nutritionists school lunches.

“previously examined the relationship consumed breakfast with the general health of the population. However, prior to this research in this area were not carried out in the context of connection with human cognitive functions,” – said the lead author Hannah Litlekot. She stressed that the study will be important for education and public health policy.

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