Friday, November 13, 2015

Mail.Ru Group takes “VKontakte” and “Classmates” from offshore – commander

The two popular Russian social network “VKontakte” and “Classmates” settled in Russia. Company Mail, the newspaper notes Group recently made an official statement, which says that the holding company has changed ownership structure and now refuses to format the offshore activities.

The company Mail.Ru Group released an official statement, according to which the holding company has been a change in the ownership structure and now two Russian-language social network “Classmates” and “VKontakte” has received official registration in Russia. This was the result of corporate policy aimed at the refusal of the offshore management format.

After the change Russian company Mail.Ru Group, which includes the two popular social networks and direct them through foreign offshore companies, will now lead them by a company registered exclusively in Russia. The impetus for this was the recent changes in the Russian legislation, which amnestied all the capital derived from offshore. Under the new changes all the money in the accounts before being in various offshore companies derived the accounts placed with Russian banks are automatically considered legal. Exceptions are only capital, for which there is reason to believe that they were used in carrying out illegal activities.

The reason for such perturbations are extremely simple: guide Mail.Ru Group is trying to simplify the structure of the company, as well as provide all the items Plan on consolidation. The press service of Mail.Ru Group confirmed the information, focusing on what is now the main entity on the subject in the Russian Federation is a company, called “Internet company” The head of the organization acted Elena Bagudina.

For the convenience of the separation specialists, plans for the development and promotion of social networks in particular “EC” will be dealt with separately created Ltd., received an identical name of the social network.

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