Monday, November 9, 2015

NASA is looking for a place to land on Mars – Dni.Ru

The US space agency (NASA) started looking for a place on Mars for landing first in the history of mankind manned spacecraft. It is expected that the search for a suitable site will be delayed for many years. To this end, the Red Planet will be sent automatic orbiter reconnaissance.
Photos : GLOBAL LOOK press / World History Archive

The space agency US plans to send its first manned spacecraft to Mars no earlier than 20 years, but now DO SEARCH suitable place for its planting . As reported by NASA, this issue was discussed at the four-day conference at the Institute for the study of the moon and planets in Houston, attended by scientists and engineers from various public and private entities.

“This is just the beginning of the conversation on this subject. It is not necessary to think, we soon will be able to find the first place to land. Search for suitable sites on the Red Planet may go for many years “, – quotes Tass assistant director of NASA’s Scientific Affairs John Gransfelda.

As the experts, landing a manned machine Smooth approach an area of ​​200 square kilometers . In addition, the area should contain useful natural resources, such as water ice, which could be used by the participants for future expeditions to the Earth.

Recall that NASA plans to make the first manned flight to Mars in about mid-2030- s with the help of his new ship “Orion” and a heavy launch vehicle, developed by corporation Boeing. Preparation for this program will come in stages. One of them kicked off last week in the world: Americans announced a selection of candidates for the flight to Mars.

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