Sunday, December 7, 2014

US successfully launched a new spacecraft – RIA

US successfully launched a new spacecraft

Mankind has made the first real step towards a manned mission to Mars. At least, that’s what experts estimate the first launch of the US space ship “Orion”, the prototype of the future system, is designed specifically for deep space missions. The successful test, of course, is also important for the prestige of the United States.
On Friday, the US space ship “Orion» (Orion) successfully completed its first test flight, drive to the Pacific Ocean. The ship was launched in 15.05 MSK from the spaceport at Cape Canaveral (Florida) and completed a flight to 19.29 MSK. It put into orbit heavy launch vehicle Delta-4 from a private company United Launch Alliance (ULA). With a length of 72 meters, it is considered the largest aerospace industry in the United States. On the eve of the launch was canceled due to problems rocket fuel valves.
«There was a feeling of true happiness, when Delta-4 went into space. The scene watched Russian, Chinese , Japanese and Europeans. We all had the feeling that it is for the benefit and on behalf of all mankind »
On board the Orion crew was not. The ship made one revolution around the Earth in low Earth orbit, and then began to move at a high elliptical orbit from Earth at a distance of 5.8 thousand kilometers. This is 15 times farther from the planet Earth than the International Space Station. During the flight, the scientists collected information about the reaction of the ship on the high levels of radiation and the technology of protection from high temperatures. There were established more than a thousand different sensors.
The ship had traveled in 96 thousand kilometers. When he came back into the atmosphere at a speed of nearly 32 thousand. Kilometers per hour, and the temperature on the surface reached 2.2 thousand. Degrees Celsius. Approaching the Earth it opened 11 brake parachute. In addition to scientific instruments on board the Orion was a microchip w ith the names of more than one million people, as well as souvenirs of the earth like the heroes of the children’s show “Sesame Street”, part of the skeleton fossil tyrannosaur, flags, coins, music and even the oxygen hose to suit spacecraft “Apollo-11 “and a piece of lunar soil.
« Orion returned to Earth! “- said a leading broadcast online flight NASA.
The capsule splashed down in the ship in the Pacific Ocean about a thousand kilometers from the port of San Diego. She met NASA experts and sailors on the multipurpose ship USS Anchorage. From the air, for the operation watched unmanned NASA Ikhana. It is assumed that the operation of the delivery of the spacecraft to the port of San Diego will take about six hours. “Orion” is in perfect condition, – stressed in the NASA. – No leaks, all systems look fine ».
« It was the best flight, which could imagine! A significant step for the American space program, “- said a leading broadcast.
In NASA emphasize that Orion was the first after the completion of the mission” Apollo “in 1972, a ship designed to send a man into deep space. US plan that this ship will send in the future to Mars or an asteroid. The first manned flight of the ship is scheduled for 2021.
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. Tsiolkovsky, Yuri Karash personally oversaw the start. He was one of those invited to Cape Canaveral. According to him, there now reigns a joyous and festive atmosphere. “They were happy all. There was a feeling of true happiness, when Delta-4 went into space. The scene watched Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Europeans. We all had the feeling that it is for the benefit and on behalf of all mankind “, – told the newspaper VIEW Caras.
He is convinced that the successful tests hold great promise for further development of astronautics. “It was first established for the spacecraft in deep space, beyond the Moon’s orbit. That is, in comparison with classical near-Earth as the “Union” or “Shuttle”, it has a more powerful radiation protection, as in deep space radiation level is much higher than in the near-Earth space. Secondly, this ship has a serious thermal protection. Returning from their deep space missions, it will enter the atmosphere at a much faster rate than the near-Earth ships, which means that there will be more warm. Accordingly, it is necessary to better defend against this excess heat, “- said the expert.
The success of the test, convinced he has a great political importance for the United States. “America has once again underlines its space leadership. Of course, this is another step in achieving full independence from Russia in the field of manned space flight. This additional invitation for the leading industrialized nations to join America. They are inter ested in working with the Americans, who always offer something new, in contrast, unfortunately, from Russia “, – added Caras.
In turn, Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. Tsiolkovsky Alexander Zheleznyakov considered successful launch of the first step of humanity on the way to Mars. “The fact that Americans are experiencing this ship – it is a success. Orion – this is the step on which will be created next ship, which will go to the Red Planet. Of course, Orion is too small to fly to Mars and back, need more serious design. But a start, “- said Zhelezniakov TASS.
According to him, the launch Orion will not affect future relations between Russia and the United States in the space sector, not least because” we did not participate and are not involved in the program Orion » . “The only effect may be that this launch and the whole program is to encourage us to quickly develop your ship,” ̵ 1; said the academician.



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