Saturday, December 10, 2016

Scientists: Hunger useful for the brain – RIA

Scientists from the Institute of aging research the name of the Tank found that a little fasting may stimulate brain activity, but also enables the nervous system to rest and save energy. However, while it was possible to prove only on the example of fruit flies.

In the experiment, the researchers first restricted level of protein in the diet of the larvae of flies, and then for a short time deprived them of their meal. Experts have observed how the effect affects the brain activity of test subjects, says the Russian newspaper with reference to Medical Daily.

it turned Out that the nutrient deficiency of the brain reacted to a decline in synaptic activity at the junctions between neurons and muscle cells. The body reduced the release of biologically active chemicals involved in transmitting signals between neurons and other cells. And it gave the brain time to “recharge”.

three hours of enforced fasting the activity of synapses is reduced by half. Scientists believe that their discovery can be particularly useful for people with different brain disorders.


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