Russian supervisory authority could be empowered to independently bring a “black list” and block sites that distribute information forbidden by the legislation. Censorship will be subject to Internet pages located at the domain “.rf» and «ru».
and the next working meeting of official representatives of such organizations as the Ministry of Communications, Roskomnadzor and Coordination Center for TLD RU will discuss the possibility of closing domains, without waiting for the court decision.
These powers want to give Roskomnadzor. Of course, in this case it will go to the right to close the sites only in the domestic domain networks and ru .rf.
Today, all government agencies admit that blocking sites is the most effective method of combating illegal resource . Especially effective this method proved to be the case with drug traffickers and distributors of pirated goods. Experts unanimously declare that the method of struggle, to help cope with various kinds of violations of the law of the Russian Federation on the internet.
At the moment, we recall, Roskomnadzor allowed to make a “black list” of sites, but they are blocked only after as the corresponding decision will be made by the court. By the spread of “Runet”, we recall, is now banned pornographic materials, as well as information about drugs.
In Russia, the content may be declared illegal by the court. In addition, blocking sites in accordance with the law “On protection of children from information harmful to their health and development.” Also, according to the law “On information, information technologies and information protection” Geprokuratura reveals the web of extremist materials.
In addition, pursuant to paragraph 5.5 “Rules of registration of domain names in .ru and .rf” domain delegation may be terminated by a written decision of the head of the authority conducting the operational-search activities. As explained Vorobyov, we are talking about the Office of “K” the Interior Ministry and Prosecutor General’s Office. They sent a letter to the registrar of the domain name – and he can razdeligirovat domain, and if he does not, then the domain will razdeligirovan CC.
At the same time there is a system of non-state blocking of malicious sites. Three organizations – the company “Kaspersky Lab” and Group-IB, and NP “League of Safe Internet” entered into a special agreement with KC. In the “Registration Rules” was added to paragraph 5.7 – the registrar has the right to stop domain delegation in the preparation of “a reasoned treatment organization,” said KC as competence in determining violations on the Internet, if the application contains information that the domain used for phishing, spreading viruses, or materials with children pornography.
On February 1, 2014 Roskomnadzor ordered Internet providers to block more than 600 sites that Prosecutor General’s Office acknowledged extremist or calling for riots. March 13 at the request of the Prosecutor General of RCN blocked “The Edge”. This is the first recorded media, subjected to blocking the so-called law Lugovoi for “incitement to participate in events held in violation of public order».
In March 2015 a complaint “faces” to block the site was sent to the European Court of Justice human rights. The ECHR also received complaints about Alexei Navalny and Garry Kasparov in the lock of their sites. The complaint noted that “Facets” blocked without specific publications and in violation of the media law, which provides for the termination of publication only by court order.
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