Thursday, November 5, 2015

Unidentified organized online newsletter viruses on behalf of the prosecutor’s office of the Perm region – TVNZ

Operates with the financial support of the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications

Today November 5


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You have no notifications.

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The Office shall verify the incident.

Procurator Perm Krai asked not open e-mails sent on its behalf. Unknown arranged a mass e-mail messages on behalf of the supervisory authority. Addressee of businesses, organizations and authorities Kama region.

«According to the preliminary conclusion of experts, messages sent on behalf of the Prosecutor’s Office, contains a virus TROJAN-BANKER, giving access to illegal entry into the information system of a personal computer and software” – inform the prosecutor’s office of the Perm region.

Press Service informs the supervisory authority that the agency in the exercise of professional activity does not use e-mail, documents and instruments to respond.

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