The revolt, inspired writer
In 1984, the American writer, a master of political detective Tom Clancy has released the novel “The Hunt for the” Red October “- the history of the Soviet captain of the submarine, which hijacks his ship in the United States, disillusioned with the Soviet regime.
It is believed that the basis for the novel Clancy put the story Captain Valery Sablin , in 1975, raised a rebellion on a large anti-submarine ship “Watchdog”.
In Soviet times about the case, for obvious reasons, have not been contacted. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union began to write a lot, talking about Captain Sablin as a dissident, which decided almost put an end to the communist system with arms.
And the version of Clancy, and the post-Soviet narrative is very far from the real motives that guided by Captain 3rd rank Valery Sablin.
class conscience, the conscience of course …
Valery Sablin was born January 1, 1939 in Leningrad, in a family of sailors. The Navy and grandfather served Valery and his father. Michael Sablin, the war spent in the Northern Fleet, has been in good standing with Fleet Commander Admiral Golovko .
Valery dreamed of following in the footsteps of his father and after leaving school he entered the Higher Naval School them. Frunze in Leningrad.
Another school of Valery stuck the nickname “the conscience of the class.” Classmates remembered that he was not just believed in communist ideals, but sought to myself to follow them strictly and urged others to do so.
The school, history repeated itself – “the conscience of the class” became “the conscience of the course.” careerists and sycophants students not loved, but Sablin was totally out of this rock. A lively, cheerful, sociable, he followed the standards of communist morality quite frankly, surprising that even the teachers.
Excellent school, the secretary of the Komsomol committee of faculty, Valery Sablin had 4 th course joined the party.
A letter to Khrushchev
Speaking of Valerie, many who knew him say two traits – the absolute inability to lie and intolerance to hypocrisy.
The future naval officer was very upset by the difference of words spoken from high tribunes, with real cases.
In 1960, a graduate of the School of Lieutenant Sablin sent for service to the Northern Fleet as assistant commander of the battery of 130-mm guns squadron destroyer project 30 bis “Bitter».
He served Sablin well received thanks and promotion. There was, however, one incident alerted the authorities – the officer sent a letter to the then leader Nikita Khrushchev country with your thoughts on how to change life in the country. But in the end, this story ended happily for Sablina. True, he Valeriy seems to have realized that the simple words of the changes that it deems necessary, can not be achieved.
For some time, he fully immersed himself in the service and the history of the letter into oblivion.
Model zampolit
By 1969, about how Sablin said the officer, who is about to become the commander of the ship. And then a new surprise – Valery filed a report on the admission to study at the Military Political Academy named after Lenin. The educational institution prepares deputies for political affairs, Sablin sent without any doubt – despite his letter to Khrushchev, no one doubted that Valery convinced communist, and if someone and need to engage in political education of seafarers, it’s him.
Valery Sablin not just successfully completed the Academy – in 1973, the name honors was engraved on a marble board among her best graduates.
Captain Rank III Sablin was appointed deputy commander for political affairs on a large anti-submarine ship “Vigilant” 128th Brigade of the 12th Division, missile ships of the Baltic Fleet. However, on arrival at the base in Baltiysk, Sablin learned that he was transferred to the BOD “watchdog”, where the former political officer was fired for drinking.
At this point, Valery Sablin decides it’s time to implement a plan by which he meant, no less, to return the Soviet Union “in the Leninist course of development».
political officer was going to turn the ship into a platform from which it will be possible to appeal to the citizens of the USSR, members of the party to initiate the necessary changes.
From a farewell letter to his wife of Valery Sablin:
«Since 1971, I began to dream of a free promotional area of the ship. Unfortunately, the situation was such that until November 75th there is a real opportunity to speak. What pushed me to it? Love of life. I mean not sated philistine life, and life is bright, honest, sincere joy that is … I am convinced that in our nation, as well as 58 years ago, flash revolutionary consciousness, and he will communist relations in the country .. . »
Order for conspirator
Two years, from 1973 to 1975 Sablin is propaganda of its views among the crew, draws attention to the shortcomings that are present in society, talks about these principles of communist society.
It is unlikely that special department had no information on the activities of political officer “Sentinel”, but they were clearly knocked avail. After all, the political officer did not call for a change in regime, he called for the continuation of the Leninist revolution. Blame this something reprehensible, and no one knows who will be seditious!
By 1975, the political officer, Sablin turned into an informal leader of the crew, “Sentinel”. The plans of the speech, he specifically did not apply, because its activities no obstacles have been repaired.
In January 1975, as part of the squadron of the Baltic Fleet “Watchdog” went on combat duty in the Mediterranean Sea with the subsequent entering Cuba. Battle campaign ended in May. According to the results of the captain Potulny and political officer, Sablin was awarded the Order “For Service to the Motherland” of the 3rd degree.
If someone in that moment said Valery Sablin only six months later, to raise a rebellion, the officers of the Baltic Navy knew commissar “Sentinel” would cause “the prophet” a team of psychiatrists.
«The Battleship” Potemkin “as a signal for an uprising
In the autumn of 1975″ Watchdog “was sent for repair to Liepaja but before that the ship was ordered to take part in a naval parade in Riga, devoted to the 58th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
6 November 1975 “Watchtower” I came to the road in Riga and began to point out to him mooring barrel, where he was to remain until the morning on November 9.
Some of the officers of the ship due to the upcoming repair went on vacation, and Sablin decided it was time to act.
the evening of 8 November at the Picture Show sailors showed the film “Battleship” Potemkin “. Sablin himself he had already decided that the “watchdog” will ship a new, communist revolution.
The concert began with the fact that Sablin reported to ship commander Anatoly Potulnomu on the booze in the room hydrophone. The commander rushed back and was locked Sablin and his closest ally, Librarian and projectionist Alexander Shein . Inside the post hydroacousticians Potulny found a note Sablin that he was going to do.
After this Sablin gathered in the wardroom officers and warrant officers, to whom delivered a speech calling for action for the cleansing of the USSR and the party of embezzlement and lies, to restore social justice. He then called for a vote. Opinion is divided about equally, and then joined the Sablin isolated dissenters in separate rooms.
Go to Leningrad!
at 21:40, after the end of the film, the signal “large gathering” were assembled sailors and petty officers. Before them Sablin also delivered a speech in which he urged the government to require the correction of errors and changes in the policy. Sailors plan was announced – “Watchdog” is in Leningrad from the requirement to give the crew the right to speak on television. There, according to the political officer, they had to support the residents of Leningrad and the sailors of the Leningrad Naval Base. After that a new communist revolution was triumphant walk across the country.
Sablin offered the sailors who did not approve of the plan to go ashore, taking advantage of the ship’s boat, but such was not.
assumed the duties of Commander ship, Sablin had intended to leave the base without arousing suspicion – after all, “watchdog” was supposed to go for repairs in Liepaja. These plans, however, collapsed after with “Sentinel” escaped YCL, senior lieutenant Firsov .
When they reached the submarine “B-49″ Firsov reported: on “Watchdog” insurgency commander arrested, political officer, Sablin was going to hijack the ship.
Firsov at first could not believe: Sablina known as an excellent officer, and to believe in something like this just could not.
So far, dealt Sablin learned about the escape Firsov, gave the command to weigh anchor and go to Leningrad.
But even when the “Watchdog” left the base in revolt did not believe – decided that the crew made a mistake by going for repair out schedule.
The command of the Baltic Fleet tried to contact “Watchdog”, but he did not.
Telegram Admiral Gorshkov
The situation was complicated by yet another moment – on the way to Leningrad “watchdog” was to be held near the territorial waters of Sweden. Therefore, when the rebellion believe it suspected that Sablin with the ship trying to “go across the border” – is to command was much clearer than any new “communist revolution».
At 4 am the captain Sablin gave a telegram to the Commander of the Navy Admiral Gorshkov “Please urgently to report of the Politburo and the Soviet government, which BOD” Watchdog “raised the flag of the coming communist revolution. We demand: the first – to declare the area of the ship “Watchdog” free and independent of government and party officials during the year. Second – provide an opportunity for one of the crew members to speak on the Central Radio and TV for 30 minutes … Our performance is of a purely political nature and has nothing to do with the betrayal of the motherland. Homeland betray those who will be against us. Within two hours from the time we announced, we are waiting for a positive response to our demands. In case of silence or refusal to comply with the above requirements or attempts to use force against us, the entire responsibility for the consequences will fall on the Politburo of the CPSU and the Soviet government ».
After that, it became clear – there is the most that either there is a revolt with political requirements. Moreover, under the banner of the Communist revolution!
Stop at any cost
At the same time the board “Watchdog “I was handed another appeal:” Everybody, everybody! He says a large anti-submarine ship “Watchdog”. Our performance – not a betrayal of the country, as a purely political, progressive performance. And the traitors of the motherland will be those who try to stop us. If the part of the government to our force will be used to eliminate us, then you know it by the absence of the regular transmission of radio and television. In this case, only your political activity, the general performance save the revolution begun by us. Support us, comrades! »
From the headquarters of the Soviet Navy in the” Watchdog “gave a laconic telegram with the order to return to Riga. The answer to it is not followed.
In pursuit of the rebels were sent nine ships of the Border Guard and the Baltic Fleet, and the 668 th Bomber Aviation Regiment. To explain the nuances of what is happening did not, declaring that an attempt is made to hijack the ship to Sweden. The order was given – if the “watchdog” will come to the Swedish territorial waters, it must sink.
Bombers had a warning bombing – a bomb exploded next to the “Watchdog” is not causing him harm. But on board at the moment of the sailors decided that got involved in the adventure, and freed the captain.
Anatoly Potulny, revealing the arsenal, armed sailors, he took a gun and entered the bridge. Seeing Sablin, he shot him in the leg.
In this rebellion ended. The commander of the “Sentinel” reported that took command, and the ship returned to Riga.
Upon returning to base, the crew was sent to the barracks under guard. Sablina wounded were sent to Moscow and Riga came a government commission headed by Admiral Gorshkov for the proceedings. Some were fired, others demoted, the crew of “Sentry” was disbanded, and the vessel itself overtaken the Pacific Ocean.
Initially, together with Sablin a tribunal is going to give more than a dozen of his associates, but later the case was closed for all but Senior sailor Alexander Shein – a close associate of the rebel political officer.
The investigation of the case was simple – Sablin quietly explained the reasons for his action, admitted his guilt and asked only that the sailors joined him, not punished.
With regard to Valery Sablin was conducted psychiatric examination showed that he was completely healthy. One of the participants of the interrogation officer said that Sablin once admitted – Lenin at one time wore nickname “Sablin.” Sailor saw in this a certain omen.
From a letter to Valery Sablin parents:
« my actions led by only one desire – to do my best to our people, good, powerful people of our motherland, to wake up from hibernation political because it affects detrimental to all aspects of life in our society … »
The death sentence reviewed 18 years after the shooting
The Case of the mutiny on the” Sentinel “was considered by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, from 6 to July 13, 1976 . Valery Sablin was found guilty under Article 64, paragraph “a” of the RSFSR Criminal Code (high treason) and sentenced to capital punishment. Leading Seaman Alexander Shein was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
From the farewell letter of Valery Sablin to his son:
«Believe that history is fair reward everyone according to their merits, and then you never I do not doubt that your father did. Never be among the people who criticize without acting. These hypocrites do not weaknesses which represent the people are not able to combine their faith with their own affairs. I want you to be brave. Be sure that life is wonderful. Believe in that revolution always wins ».
The verdict against Valery Sablin was executed in Moscow on August 3, 1976.
In 1994, the Military Collegium of the Russian Supreme Court reviewed the case Sablin “taking into account the new circumstances” and reclassified it to “high treason” for articles about military crimes (abuse of authority, disobedience and resistance to the authorities), in the aggregate which changed the sentence to 10 years in prison.
A revolution always wins
But is was Valery Sablin those who represent him now? Not at all. This man was a staunch communist, until the last moment sincerely believed in the ideals of the society, which gave the beginning of the construction of the October Revolution. Captain Sablin, in contrast to the millions of careerists who held membership card in his pocket for the sake of finding a warm and well-fed village, wanted a better life for all Soviet citizens.
Captain Sablin was not against the Soviet regime, and against the “rust”, which it corroded. He saw the great cynics with party cards, sitting in high government positions, the same ones that in just a decade and a half lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
His speech was naive, but absolutely sincere. He failed to win those against whom acted, even sacrificing their own lives.
The last words Valery Sablin, addressed to his son, was: “The revolution always wins».
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