Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What threatens the introduction of WAC specialty “theology” – BBC

According to the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) Russian theology has become a new scientific specialty. Along with theoretical mechanics, chemistry, solid state physics, virology and technology of drilling wells and three years after the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPI) has opened the department of theology, theology received specialty code (26.00.01).

According to the passport of the specialty, the subject of her study are sources of theological knowledge, the basics of faith and religious rituals, historical forms and practices of the religious organization, its religious service, religious cultural heritage.

January 22, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill called for the inclusion of theology list of scientific disciplines, and the next day the commission WAC approved it.

The extensive discussion of the teaching of theology in secular educational institutions began after the scandalous appearance of the same name of the department in the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute .

In the academic environment, this decision caused mainly rejection blogosphere rapidly responded disputes and pictures on the topic of uranium, which decays “by the will of God».

« With the same success it is possible to study other areas of human knowledge. I think that the opening of this department – is the political situation in connection with the situation in the country when we have to treat with respect the different ideological concept, “- said head of the department handling astrophysical observations Physics Institute. PN Lebedev Sergey Likhachev.

Among the supporters of the introduction of a new scientific discipline was Archdeacon ROC Andrei Kuraev. “We have about twenty years already talking. Today we are just back to the point at which began in 1991. Theology was then included government – please note, not the church – in the list of scientific specialties. Then theology removed from the list, is now back … This recognition – is not clericalisation academic life, but on the contrary, the secularization of theological life, “- said the priest.

As told to” Gazeta.ru “head of the HAC Vladimir Filippov,

Candidates and Doctors of theological sciences in Russia in the coming years will not, despite the fact that bachelor and master in theology have long existed in Russian universities.

«PhD in theology exist in many countries, including France and Germany, including the classical universities. WAC decided that as long as we will not have any candidates or doctors of theology. Perhaps a hundred years, maybe two years, “- said Philip. At first, those who protect themselves in “theology”, will receive the degree in Philology, Philosophy, or, for example, art.

According to him, it is unclear in what dissovetah will be awarded a degree in a new field. “Every dissovet may award degrees in specific specialties. We can advice on the philosophy of adding one room and will be ‘theology’, or can be created from scratch dissovety, which will be one specialty “theology”. In what higher educational institutions will be able in future to award the degree of theology, will be solved with the participation of the Interreligious Council of Russia. In the future, depending on the number of protected works, the WAC may receive a separate expert council on theology.

In 2009, in order to bring the system of internal certification level to Rakovsky, the ROC was established churchwide postgraduate and doctoral studies. In doing so, church leaders recognize the low level of theological theses, especially protected until 2009, when it created postgraduate course.

The fact that many doctoral theological work is not pulled even on a secular course, illustrates the thesis abstract Archimandrite Claudian protected in 2009 in Uzhgorod Ukrainian Theological Academy closed in the past year:

The degrees of candidates and doctors of divinity are awarded at the Moscow Theological Academy, St. Petersburg Theological Academy, the Kiev Theological Academy.

« To the church of his men could form a council of experts HAC, these people already awarded degree must pass through a sieve “dissernet.” You want to put your professors academies in our WAC – if you please submit your complete archive of dissertations for ten years, in order to understand the level of plagiarism and scientific soundness of these works, “- said” Gazeta.ru “co-founder” dissernet “physicist Andrei Zayakin, complaining that most these works are absent in electronic form.

In this case, the scientist supports the introduction of Theology, as in major European universities have such discipline.
«Theology is really a very serious area of ​​science, simply because there are secular state Department of German universities. I myself went to courses in Munich theologians, I would like to see in Russia was much as in Germany, ranging from GDP and cars to theologians. Theology is not the same, that the study of the myths of North American Indians. If the advisory council will be staffed by theologians from Munich, Freiburg, Basel and Tübingen, I’ll be alone, “- added Zayakin.

He believes that the positive effect of the introduction of new specialty will what the priests will no longer depend on the leadership.

«poor priests will no longer depend on the bishops. I have many friends of the priests. They toward their bishops are in the position of slaves can not change the place of service, go to another bishop, otherwise they are sent all sorts of curses and anathema. And if they have a secular profession, instead of the village Gadyukino with the arrival of three priests attendants will be taught, for example, in the Russian State Humanitarian University, “- he said.


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