Carlo Allegri /
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met today in Vienna with the US Secretary of State John Kerry. The main topic of the meeting between the two ministers was the settlement of the situation in Syria. Later, they will join the talks as colleagues from Turkey and Saudi Arabia. The details of the Austrian capital – the correspondent of “Kommersant” Galina Dudin.
The first item in the schedule of the Russian minister were listed negotiate face to face with US Secretary of State. Negotiations are taking place behind closed doors – only journalists allowed to capture a handshake politicians. “Is it true that you have agreed on a transitional period for (President Sirii.- ” b “) Bashar al-Assad for 18 months?” – Shouted a question one of the American journalists. However, the ministers by that time had sat down at the negotiating table and the question ignored.
As previously explained the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, the Russian side is ready to inform the participants about the course of the military operations of the Russian Federation in Syria . “For us, this is another opportunity to discuss the Syrian conflict, taking into account certain successes of the Syrian army on the ground, and I think that the parties would like to know first hand – from the Russian delegation – about the steps we are taking in the fight against” Islamic state “( banned in the Russian terrorist gruppirovka.- “b” ) in Syria, “- she said.
Kerry and Lavrov in Vienna. Handshakes were three: two cameras without a third for journalists. And each represents a “difficult work lies ahead.” And then began the meeting “tete-a-tete”.
Posted by Maria Zakharova on 23rd on October 2015 g of.
Just Friday’s agenda of the visit Sergey Lavrov in Vienna – the two main events. First, he will discuss with his colleagues from the US, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the situation in Syria: the extended meeting will follow the bilateral negotiations. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia’s Adel Al-Dzhubeyr left the hotel “Imperial”, where the meeting Sergey Lavrov and John Kerry only a quarter of an hour after the start of the negotiations: in the morning he had a meeting with US Secretary of State and his Turkish counterpart Feridun Sinirlioglu.
However, the number of countries interested in participating in the Syrian settlement is not exhausted by the “quartet”, the representatives of which met today in Vienna. As confirmed earlier, Sergei Lavrov, Moscow is ready to work with other key players in the region: Iran, Egypt, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan.
In the afternoon, followed by a ministerial meeting of the Middle East “quartet” of international mediators (it includes representatives of Russia, the US, EU and UN). Carry it in Vienna, it was decided “taking into account the extremely tense situation in Palestinian-Israeli relations».
Blitz Summit
Russian military operation in Syria is accompanied by an unprecedented diplomatic offensive of Moscow. Unannounced visits to the Russian capital, Syrian President Bashar Assad and his talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin caught the United States and its allies by surprise. The first since the war began in Syria foreign visit of President Assad sharply raises the stakes in the Middle East and in Moscow’s relations with the West. Read more
Russia ready to “adequately and effectively respond to terrorist and any other threat to our country»
Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that the operation of air- Space Forces (VKS) in Syria, Russia has shown – Russia is ready to “adequately and effectively respond to terrorist and any other threat to our country.” The president has declared October 20 presentation ceremony of officers on the occasion of their appointment to senior command positions and assigning them to higher ranks. The ceremony took place in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace. Read more
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