Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Online courses are equated to full-time training – Dni.Ru

The Ministry of Education and Science is preparing a regulatory framework according to which the passage of online courses in high school to be equated with full-time education. Such an approach should complement and enhance, not replace the classic format of education, the ministry noted.
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press / Pat Vasquez-Cunningham

In Russia there is a project “5-100″, according to which 2020 five national universities have to get in the top 100 best universities in the world . Many of the major international rankings as one of the decisive factors in considering the availability of online education, and a new initiative in relation to the Russian sphere of education can have a significant positive impact in this area.

Members of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of the Internet (IRI) submitted to the Deputy Head of Presidential Administration Vyacheslav Volodin package of proposals for the development of the Internet. It was noted that over time, a significant part of the training will be the distance , making it possible to obtain in regions of basic professional knowledge and skills from the best universities and colleges. The program of conventional universities must enter a remote component, experts say.

“It takes development of legislation in the field of recognition of remote examinations and qualification works , the change of educational programs at all levels,” – cite “News” documents IRI. With such an approach, agreed with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, which is already preparing a regulatory framework.

“If a student has successfully passed the examination as part of the course, he will be given documentary evidence of learning outcomes – certificate. Now we are preparing the necessary the regulatory framework, which will allow any Russian university to take into account the certificate, setting off him as assessment of development corresponding to the object. We stress that online education is primarily designed to complement and extend the classic format of education , but does not replace it entirely ” – According to the press service of the department.

The first step in an attempt to create a resource of e-learning was the establishment of the National Platform of Open Education in September in the framework of an international conference EdCrunch. As part of the platform is already running 46 training courses on a number of Russian universities. Through online resource anyone can enroll in various courses free of charge.

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