The jewelers have added a collection of precious smartphone Atlante two new designs dedicated to Chechnya and Tatarstan, in order to reveal all the cultural and historical diversity of Russia. Phones Caviar Atlante Tatarstan and Caviar Atlante Chechnya contains the key cultural and historical codes of people of the Republic.
The inspiration for artistic compositions phone Chechnya has become a traditional national pattern, both at the state coat of arms. It symbolizes the unity and eternity. Volume emblem reproduced in the body of the phone across the picturesque accuracy stylized mountains, and Vainakh tower silhouette oil rig . The first lines of the hymn inscribed in the lower part of the body, and curly card Chechnya displayed indicating the historical areas.
The volume bas-relief portrait of the president of the republic Ramzan Kadyrov created during the month, the master sought to achieve maximum realism. “Ramzan Akhmatovich – one of the most charismatic politicians, he has a lot of support among the population, it was important to convey its image exactly as he is known, loved and learn the people,” – says the company.
The phone’s design is based on Atlante Tatarstan the interpretation of the images used in the coat of arms of the Republic. Symbolic leopard, designed to protect the inhabitants of Tatarstan from adversity proudly uplifting wings in the center of the golden panels around it bloom profusely national patterns, and under it is a picturesque composition consist of the key attractions of Tatarstan: Tower Syuyumbike, Kul-Sharif Mosque and the modern bridge “Millennium “. Together they embody the unity of the age-old traditions and dynamic development of the country .
phone released in two variations – of yellow gold and platinum coating. “According to religious beliefs, some Muslims are trying not to use accessories and jewelry made of gold, knowing and respecting the feature for them, we duplicated model in platinum” – talk about updates to the representatives of the brand.
Recall that recently the Italian jeweler introduced a limited series smartphones, dedicated to the birthday of Vladimir Putin. The collection contains a total of 63 copies, each marked with the inscription 63 Anniversario Edizione and numbered.
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