Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Parade of planets – a unique phenomenon astronomicheskore (Video) – Express-News

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27.10 | 11:45

A rare planetary configuration can now be seen in the night sky in most of the Northern Hemisphere, and it will last until the end of the week. We are talking about Venus, Jupiter and Mars, which formed a parade of planets. Experts recommend to watch this phenomenon before sunrise. The most interesting will be Thursday, because on this day the planet will be closest to each other.

The planets can be seen with the naked eye, but before sunrise, as they are at this time will be high above the horizon. Although binoculars or amateur telescope also will not prevent you’d better consider the planet.

The fact that Venus will stand out among the other “members” of the parade, perhaps, know all. Indeed it is, because it is 12 times brighter than Jupiter is 250 times – Mars. Therefore, to see Mars, you have to get up early, about an hour before sunrise.

A rare celestial phenomenon can watch people of almost all the countries of northern and western Europe. Such a spectacle of three planets at once in itself rare. For example, following a parade of planets can be seen only in January 2021.

It should be noted that the parade of planets is nothing else than the usual visual effect. The planets move around the Sun in their orbits, and at certain times they are aligned with respect to an observer on Earth. In fact, the planet does not approach each other, the distances between them are at their huge quantities. We are talking about the celestial geometry. The human eye is unable to perceive the depth of space, so they seem to be aligned in one line.


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