Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Russians landed on the moon in 2029 – Dni.Ru

The landing of the Russians on the moon is planned for 2029. According to the head of RKK “Energy” Vladimir Solntsev, the first autonomous flight to the Earth’s natural satellite is scheduled for 2025.

The Russian lunar program will be implemented in 2021. It was then that is scheduled to start flights to new spacecraft , made with the use of composite materials and designed to travel on the moon. In 2023 must pass the launch and docking of the spacecraft with the ISS at 2025 are scheduled autonomous flight to the moon and development of technologies related to sending her astronauts.

“2029 – manned flight to the Moon and landing on her “, – quotes RIA Novosti the head of RKK” Energy “Vladimir Solntsev, speaking at a conference on space technologies in Moscow.

Earlier it was reported that the European Space Agency will soon begin to develop the idea of ​​”Lunar Village”, which will attract a number of countries, including Russia. The first step in this direction will be sent to the satellite of the Earth lander, which should prepare a manned flight of a man.

The Russian side a year ago, said the launch of the project “Luna-27″, which aims – the creation of a robotic lander, which should be prilunitsya in the largest crater on the back side of the satellite. Scientists hope that the module will help to define the content of oxygen, water and raw materials, which can be useful to future missions.

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