The Nobel Committee in Stockholm called the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. DNA repair, for the study of the mechanisms that Lindahl , Modric and Suncare have received awards, a special function of the cells, which lies in their ability to correct chemical damage and breaks in the DNA molecules.
«Their work has fundamental knowledge about the functions of living cells, for example, their use in the development of new treatments for cancer,” – said in a press release of the Nobel Committee . Scientists “have displayed at the molecular level how the cell to repair DNA damage and preserve genetic information».
Our daily PWA zhdaetsya DNA from UV radiation, free radicals and other carcinogenic substances, but even without such external attacks, DNA molecule is unstable in nature. Daily cell genome undergoes spontaneous changes in thousands. In addition, defects occur when copying DNA during cell division that occurs in the human body a few million times a day.
Reparation – special function of the cells is the ability to correct chemical damage and breaks in DNA molecules, damaged in the normal biosynthesis of DNA in the cell or by exposure to physical or chemical agents.
Thomas Lindahl was born in 1938 in Stockholm. Swedish citizen. In 1967, Lindahl was promoted to professor, and in 1970 – the title of Doctor of Medicine of the Royal Karolinska Institute (Sweden). From 1978 to 1982 he worked at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) at the rank of Professor of Medical and Physiological Chemistry. Honorary head of the research group at the Institute of the name of Francis Crick (UK), director emeritus of the Center for Cancer Research at the Laboratory of Clare Hall Laboratory (UK).
Paul Modric born in 1946. A citizen of the United States. In 1973, Modric was awarded the title of professor at Stanford University (USA). Researcher Howard Hughes Medical Institute (USA) and Professor of Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Duke University (USA).
Aziz Sankar was born in 1946. A citizen of the United States and Turkey. In 1977, Sankara was awarded the title of professor of the University of Texas (USA). Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics, School of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA).
From 1901 to 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was given 107 times. From 1901 to 2015 Nobel Prize in chemistry became 172 people. 63 people became laureates no one split of premiums in this area. Women received a high award four times. English biochemist Frederick Sanger – the only scientist in history, won two Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1958 and 1980). The youngest Nobel laureate in chemistry in the history of the award – a French scientist Frederic Joliot-Curie, received the award in 35 years. The oldest Nobel laureate in chemistry in the history of the award – American scientist John Bennett Fenn, received the award in 85 years. The average age of the laureate in chemistry – 58 years.
Earlier this week were named winners of the Nobel Prize in medicine and physics. They were started by William Campbell and Satoshi Omura (for the development of drugs carried by parasitic worms) and Tu Yu (for the discovery of artemisinin, which helps fight malaria). Laureates in Physics have become Takaaki Kadzito Arthur McDonald, who discovered the process of neutrino oscillations, which indicates that the elementary particle has a mass of neutrinos.
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