Secrecy with the T-14 on a platform of “Armata” manufacturer of lift after the adoption of the latest fighting vehicle into service in the Russian army, and permission for export, said in an interview with radio station “Star” Deputy Head of Research and Production Corporation “Uralvagonzavod” (UVZ) in special equipment Vyacheslav Halitov.
“If we talk about the T-14″ Armata “I think that secrecy will be lifted after a pass development work, the machine will be put into service by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, will gain a passport export image and will have the possibility of selling to foreign customers, “- said Halitov, quoted by RIA” Novosti “.
Perspective T-14 “Armata” was first shown to the public at the Victory Day parade on Red Square in Moscow on May 9, 2015. The machine has been highly praised by Russian and foreign specialists. The main difference between the new tank from the existing analogue equipment in an isolated bronekapsuly in which the crew. Projectile 125 mm tank gun capable of burning a meter steel .
During the preparation of the parade was not without pads: reportedly tank stalled in Red Square during the final rehearsal. However, in the “Uralvagonzavod” I explained that the problem was the lack of experience in managing a tank driver, who took part in the parade. Once behind the wheel sat a representative of the corporation, the tank is easily wound up and went.
A few weeks after the parade, President Vladimir Putin said that India, China and South-East Asia expressed interest to new models of Russian armored vehicles. At the same time, the Chinese arms manufacturer Norinco criticized “Armata”. The Norinco said that the Chinese broneproduktsiya superior Russian tank of the new generation of agility, quality, automation, fire control system, and, above all, cheaper.
In September, “Armata” shown on the Show Russia Arms Expo 2015 (RAE 2015). It was reported that the machine installed in a closed court and allowed only to consider and take pictures, but not to study in detail. The demonstration of the tank was not involved, were not disclosed to its characteristics. Tank at the exhibition inspected , Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.
After the exhibition, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that Russia expects serious export potential of armored vehicles on the platform of “Armata”. He noted that the presentation of the Russian armored vehicles on the RAE-2015 was visited by “serious potential buyers from the countries of the Arab East.”
It was also reported that a pilot batch of tanks “Armata”, participated in the parade on Red Square, is brought to the customer’s requirements, “Uralvagonzavod”. As I stated then “Interfax” Vyacheslav Halitov, this party tanks, “Uralvagonzavod” after debugging pass the test in the armed forces.
Answering the question of when to begin delivery of the troops of the new Russian tank T-14 “Armata” Halitov said that the contract for this type of combat vehicles have long been signed, but did not specify a specific timeframe.
At the same time the representative of the “Uralvagonzavod” has listed important advantages “Almaty was”: the unusual layout of the machine – a desert without a crew module; the crew in the tank “Armata” is placed in the reserved space, separated from the fuel and ammunition, which significantly increases the survivability of the machine and the survival of people; the use of modern digital technologies in terms of security; more powerful propulsion system, compared to other tanks; improved chassis; use stealth technology.
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