Saturday, December 31, 2016

Mission NEOWISE discovers a new comet, maybe two – news of space and astronomy

In the framework of NASA’s NEOWISE mission recently opened several celestial bodies moving in the vicinity of our planet, including the object, which has signs like comets and asteroid. The second of these newly discovered objects – pronounced comet – it may be possible to observe in the night sky with binoculars next week.

the First of these objects, called 2016 WF9, was discovered by the NEOWISE project 27 November 2016, the Orbit of this object extends from nearly the orbit of Jupiter to the Sun. This object can be both a comet and a wandering asteroid originating from a population of dark objects of the Main asteroid belt. Object WF9 2016 gets closer to Earth, 25 February 2017, approaching her at a distance no closer than 51 million kilometers. The trajectory of this object is well studied and it poses no threat to our planet.

the Other of these two objects, called C/2016 U1, has a number of characteristic features that allows to classify it as a comet. This comet “has a good chance to be visible in good binoculars, although with confidence we can not say, since the brightness of the comet, unfortunately, is changing in unpredictable ways,” Paul said Kodas (Paul Chodas), Manager of the research center of near-earth objects located on the territory of the jet propulsion Laboratory, NASA, California, USA.

For observers from the Northern hemisphere during the first weeks of the new year comet C/2016 U1 NEOWISE will appear in the southeastern sky shortly before sunrise. Every day she would move to the South, and 14 January will be in the nearest to the Sun point of its orbit inside the orbit of mercury, then will go into the outer part of the Solar system, where he will remain for several thousand years. This comet is also not a threat to our planet.

the mission of the NEOWISE is part of the project Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) specifically to hunt for asteroids and comets.

With the first nemokamai somehow vague, just opened and already “the trajectory of the well studied”. And I realized that’s where the dog is buried: “the Second of these newly discovered objects…”.
Makar, maybe it’s not evil aliens, and careful? Maybe it so happened that they had to fly far away from us but after hearing our plans for the destruction of all potentially dangerous, approaching us from outer space, they decided to pretend to be rags, zakosil under the comet/asteroid.

31-12-2016 Rating: +5


From feast to the telescope: bright astronomical phenomena new year’s eve and 2017 – TASS

the Tail of a passing comet, clusters of heavenly bodies and other spectacular phenomena will be able to see the fans of the space in 2017. One of them can be observed directly in the new year’s eve, told TASS specialist Large Novosibirsk planetarium, member of the Board of Novosibirsk astronomical society Oleg Kashin.

— January 1: feast of the departed and the telescope fell down, jokes Kashin. — In fact, Giuseppe Piazzi and was opened on 1 January 1801 the first minor planet Ceres.

Safe convergence

on the night of January 1, citizens of Russia will be able to observe the convergence of the planets in the sky will meet Mars and Neptune. However, if the pink dot of Mars will be visible to the naked eye, then blue Neptune can be seen only through a telescope.

— It is quite interesting, spectacular and convenient for watching: not often in the sky in one small area in a telescope or field of view can be seen from two planets, says Kashin.

He said that closer not the planets themselves in space, but only their projections on the celestial sphere.

Later, on 26 February, will approach Mars and Uranus. To consider the latter, you will also need a telescope. Following the spectacular rapprochement of the planets will only happen in autumn 2017.

— November 13, Venus and Jupiter will be very close to each other. They, too, will be interesting to see, — said the scientist.

in addition to approaches, astronomers and lovers of the starry sky will be interested in coverage of the stars and planets — when one object completely or partially covers the other. So, Neptune in 2017 will be 13 times the Moon, Aldebaran (the main star in the constellation Taurus) — 14 times.

the Cluster of planets and stars

on 18 September in the morning sky will meet several of the heavenly bodies: the Moon, Venus, Mars, mercury and the main star in Leo — Regulus.

— the Whole company will be visible on a small area of sky about the size of 10 degrees. To understand: the visible angular size of the moon is half a degree. If 20 moons side by side to deliver, this will be the area where you will meet five luminaries — said the astronomer.

All of these objects can be seen with the naked eye.

In 2017, as a whole favorable conditions for observation of a number of planets. Now and until March bright lights on the South-Western sky, Venus. On 12 January she will depart in our skies at the maximum distance from the Sun and will especially are distinguishable.

Mars — pale pink dot in the southern part — is visible immediately after sunset, the watch will continue until the end of July. Improving the visibility of Jupiter, the conditions for its observation will be the best to 7 April. Saturn will be visible from 9 January until the summer.

Comet Encke will fluff tail. If you do not be fooled

Astronomers are giving a cautious forecast that in February in the evening sky will be to the naked eye to see the comet Encke. Flying close to the Sun, the comet is usually warmed up by the rays and begins to melt, which increases the tail by adding entertainment experience.

However Oleg Kashin has warned that comets do not always meet the expectations of fans of astronomy. The fact that the body of the comet is sometimes covered with dirty dust cover — it can be compared with a mud crust that appears when snow melts in the spring.

Sometimes this case may be so pronounced that even with proximity to the Sun, the comet will not give spectacular evaporation, and a large tail will not be seen. Thus arose the term extinct comet, — explains astronomer.

But with the comet Encke had never happened. The last time it was possible to observe near the Sun in November 2013, and then the comet was a large tail, which means that it needs to please observers and in 2017, believes Kashin.

in addition, on January 18 will develop the best conditions for observation of asteroid Vesta, which is sixth magnitude and is visible in the simplest telescope. In the main asteroid belt is one of the largest minor planets. The most interesting meteor will be the Perseids (maximum August 12), Draconids (October 8), orionid (21 October) and the Leonids (November 17).

Solar and lunar Eclipse

But for solar eclipses, which in 2017 will be two annular and full, with Russia to watch will not work.

to see the total solar Eclipse on August 21, Amateur astronomers will have to travel to the United States. In our country the partial phase of the Eclipse will be visible only on the Chukotka Peninsula.

But to witness a lunar Eclipse on 7 August can be almost all residents of Russia. The moon on the night of 7 to 8 August will change noticeably their brightness and color.

Oleg Kashin added that, look to the sky is always interesting, the cosmos will find something to surprise.

on the one hand, we have astronomical calendars, which indicate the strict schedule of astronomical events, on the other hand, there is always the possibility for surprises. Perhaps, right now to the borders of the Solar system the light from a new star that exploded somewhere far away and very long ago. And no one in this world does not know this, but tomorrow night, all the media write that ignited a new star.


The production of iPhone 7 will be reduced due to insufficient demand

According to the resource Nikkei, referring to its sources, Apple will reduce the production of iPhones by 10% in the first quarter of the coming year.

the Reason for this step is that the new items sold worse than expected the company. It is reported that before the current quarter Apple has reduced orders for the smartphone by 20%.

it is Also reported that the demand for the older model iPhone 7 Plus remained high, but Apple could not meet due to the lack of dual camera sensors. Analysts suggest that the next financial report will also show a decline in sales of smartphones in annual terms, despite the release of new models and Christmas season.

Source: Nikkei


Friday, December 30, 2016

The Obama administration announced a new attack “Russian hackers” Look

Sources in the White house claim that the electricity company in Vermont found in their system, program of “Russian hackers”.

a Key utility company received from the FBI codes, which, in the opinion of the Bureau, indicate that the activity of “Russian hackers”.

This code was discovered in a computer system in Vermont, reports RIA “Novosti” with reference to the Washington Post.

we are Talking about company Green Mountain Power, or Burlington Electric.

About the time of the detection code is not reported.

according to the newspaper, the system was not broken, but the fact of the penetration allows hackers to interfere in the work of public services. While the Washington Post does not exclude that the hackers could just check whether they are able “to penetrate the part of the electro-energy system”.

Recall, speculation of the US authorities about “Russian hackers” are criticized not only in Russia but also in the States themselves.


NASA told about the “new” comet (PHOTOS) – the Voice of UA

NASA’s NEOWISE Mission has discovered two new celestial bodies around the Earth. One of them is comet C/2016 U1, the brightness of which in the first week of January may become available to the binoculars.

it is reported N+1 with reference to the press release NASA.

C/2016 U1 non-periodic comet with a hyperbolic orbit. To watch it would be before dawn in the constellation Ophiuchus, to the East. The perihelion is expected on January 14.

the origin of the second body is not precisely defined — it can be like an asteroid and a comet.

According to experts NASA, the comet C/2016 U1 NEOWISE has all the chances to achieve brilliance in the order of seventh or eighth magnitude and be visible in Amateur telescopes and binoculars.

it is Important to note that the brightness of the comet is predicted inaccurately and the object may be as brighter and dimmer forecast.

in Addition to C/2016 U1, a good object for observing the winter sky may be the comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova. Now the comet passes its perihelion, and in January its brightness is expected to be sixth magnitude. In January the comet will be visible against the evening dawn (for observations need the equipment), and in February the comet will be easily observed in the morning, before sunrise in the constellation of the eagle. 11 Feb 45P will approach the Earth at a distance of 0.08 astronomical units and its movement across the sky will be easily visible — a distance equal to the diameter of the moon it will fly in about 80 minutes.


In the 2017th-to-Earth approach two dangerous comets – TVOY GOROD Pskov

According to the calculations of astronomers, the 1st object which received the designation C/2016 U1, the maximum gets closer to the Sun January 14, reaching a point inside the orbit of mercury.

First, the comet was officially registered NASA 21 Oct 2015-year and 2-nd – Nov 27.

In particular, it is reported that the space objects have been found by the NEOWISE mission dedicated to the search for space bodies, potentially threatening the Earth. During observation the comet was seen just. Astronomers discovered them back in the fall of 2015th.

researchers from NASA reported that to the planet Earth near the two comets. This point is the basis of mercury’s orbit. This celestial body, scientists have registered on 27 November this year. One of them is comet, 2-Oh – a comet or asteroid, such a message is posted on the NASA website. The distance from the Earth would be approximately 51 million kilometers.

Scientists have identified that both celestial bodies are not dangerous for the planet.


NASA: closer To the Earth, two comets Росбалт.RU

Astronomers NEOWISE mission has detected two objects that approach the Earth, said the us space Agency NASA.

the First object – comet C/2016 U1 NEOWISE – reaches nearest to the Sun point is located inside the orbit of mercury, on January 14. This celestial body was opened on 21 October 2016.

the Second object, 2016 WF9, which is an asteroid or a comet, no dust cloud, will approach the Earth on February 25, being at a distance of 51 million kilometers from our planet.

In 2016 WF9 diameter reaches 1 kilometer. The object was registered on 27 Nov 2016.

Both objects pose no danger to Earth, reports


Rosobrnadzor banned admission of students in 5 universities – Economy News

Print Rosobrnadzor banned admission of students in five universities. So, prohibited the admission of students in the Tyumen branch of the Siberian University of consumer cooperation, Institute of management, Pedagogical Institute of the Kaliningrad region, Saint Petersburg medical-social Institute and the Oriental Institute.

the service also deprived of state accreditation of the Kaluga branch of the Institute of international law and economy im. Griboyedov, the Kursk Academy of state and municipal services (accreditation withdrawn in several specialties).

the state accreditation confirms that the institution operates on the state standards. In the case of suspension or revocation of state accreditation of educational institution to continue educational activities, but has no right to issue diplomas gosobraztsa. The students of such institutions lose their eligibility for deferment from military service.


Biologists: Bacteria in the human gut affect mood Росбалт.RU

Bacteria in the gut affect the person’s mood, said Spanish scientists. The fact that the concentration of serotonin, or the so-called happiness hormone in the human body depends on the activity of bacteria in the gut.

the Researchers found that the receptors TLR2 in the cells of the intestines not only are a sensor of the presence of microbes in the human intestine, but also to manage the transportation of serotonin. Therefore, there is a relationship between the activity of intestinal bacteria and mood.

Serotonin — very important for the human brain. In addition to emotion it controls sleep, response to pain, as well as operation of vessels. It is noteworthy that this hormone affects the development of a number of mental diseases.

Consequently, biologists have suggested that illnesses can be combated by adjusting the microflora. Now, scientists are further research in this direction, reports Vlad Time.


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Society: Avoid disconnecting from the Internet Russia will help China Look

What would happen if Russia in the event of a global conflict will try to disconnect from the global network? Advisor to the President of Russia Herman Klimenko did not rule out such a scenario. Experts suggest that there is no disconnect in reality will not work, and Russia will help in this one of its closest allies.

Vice-President of the Corporation on management of domain names and IP addresses (ICANN) Mikhail Yakushev said Friday that Russia is technically impossible to disconnect from the Internet – it is necessary to destroy all Russian power plants and “criminal prosecution of all who will still want to use electricity”.

“a number of root DNS is in Russia, so this subsystem will function even if suddenly will shut down all channels of communication with the outside world”

according to RNS, he added that regardless of attempts to “destabilize” the development of Internet technologies in Russia will continue as the technology itself is designed so that can work regardless of external factors.

Previously, the Advisor to President Vladimir Putin on the Internet, the Chairman of the Council of the Institute of development Internet (IRI) Herman Klimenko told RT that Russia should be ready for a situation where it will disconnect from the global Internet. This scenario involves a bill on the regulation of the Runet developed by the Ministry of communications and is aimed, according to Klimenko, for the protection of critical infrastructure of the country.

“High probability “tectonic shifts” in our relations with the West to the downside. Therefore, the challenge before us is to adjust the Russian segment of the Internet to protect themselves from such scenarios. It is important that Russia continued to work e-mail, Telegraph, telephone, social networks. Critical infrastructure, including a copy of the domain zone that needs to be on our territory so nobody could turn off. Regulation of normal users, this law does not affect”, – said Klimenko.

work on the draft law on the regulation of the Russian segment of the Internet the Ministry of communications and mass communications was completed in November. The document was published on the portal of projects of normative legal acts. The Ministry proposes to introduce in the law “On communications” a number of new terms, in particular the concept of Autonomous system as a combination of communication means and other technical facilities under a single technical and administrative control having a common routing policy to the Internet and identified it as a single room.

finally it is proposed to include in the law the concept of IP addresses, the Russian national segment of the Internet, its infrastructure, traffic exchange and its owner, name registry national domain zones .ru, .Russia, their administrator, data transfer lines. The authors give the definitions of the critical infrastructure of the Internet and the peculiarities of its key elements. However, the project does not contain details of regulation of elements of critical infrastructure: all this is spelled out on the level of regulation of the government.

“disconnecting the external Internet”

Director of the group of companies of DZ Systems Dmitry Zavalishin is sure that Russia in the issue of disconnection from the Internet actually care about several issues. First of all the system management of domain names, the so-called DNS. “Today, a number of root DNS is in Russia, so this subsystem will function even if suddenly will shut down all channels of communication with the outside world,” said Zavalishin newspaper VIEW.

However, there are a lot of secondary tools, and much more complex relationships. For example, quite a lot of Russian users use to register on websites ready accounts in social networks. This facilitates the registration procedure – do not always have to come up with a password and login. “It is clear that disconnecting the external Internet, this authentication will fail. You will not be able to get into your account because he don’t know what you do,” warned the expert.

If, for example, Facebook will fulfill the requirements of the Russian Federation and translated here their servers with personal information of Russians, “this problem will be solved.” “In this ongoing work. But the results are still very intermediate. Not all companies have moved their servers to Russia,” said Zavalishin.

There are more subtle problems. For example, tools for verification on the site – digital signature – to a significant extent based on the international, and in fact in the West infrastructure. That is, when the disable Runet such sites will not open. “Here we have no tools that replace it. Moreover, in this direction serious work even is not” – warns Zavalishin.

In turn, the Director of the research Foundation “New media” Cyril Bagaev also convinced that Russia needs to take care of the network infrastructure, to develop your own system. “We are now as a country dependent from the Registrar, which is geographically located in the Netherlands. Accordingly, given our relationship with the European Union, it is better to avoid this dependence. And in case of disconnection of us from the global network do need to have a “plan B,” said Bagaev newspaper VIEW.

the Expert believes that Russia off from the Internet will have an impact not only on the online reality, but the ordinary. “Disconnect us from the Internet is the issue of security in the country. The connection here is not only the Internet but also offline life, because the Internet is including the ability to alert people about any kind of emergencies”, – said the expert.

with regard to exercise in case of disconnection of the country from the Internet “we are already in a losing situation.” “We had to prepare earlier. But now it’s too late. In which case a negative scenario will develop very quickly,” concluded Cyril Bagaev.

Traffic through China

head of the laboratory of advanced development Igor Nezhdanov believes that the country must be prepared for the fact that such deactivation can occur.

“That this has not affected the country very negatively, the internal structure should be made less dependent on external services. If you disable sites that are physically located on Russian servers, will continue to work. Sites outside of this structure, some parts will be unavailable. However, if we agree with neighbouring States such as China or India, in some parts of the global Internet will continue to function,” said Nezhdanov the newspaper VIEW.

the Expert explained that the same China can be a transit of traffic with any foreign sites, so that any Russian will still be able to go at least for Gmail, at least on the website of the US state Department. However, the speed will slow down, as it will increase the number of intermediaries through which traffic will be. “In this case, we can surf the Internet through China both through a big proxy-server”, – he said.

Large chain corporations such as Google, Twitter, YouTube or Facebook, have a distributed infrastructure, their servers are bred in many countries, including China, to quickly deliver information to local users. “Accordingly, if we will be available to Chinese infrastructure, it will be available and these services too. Therefore, one hundred percent off Russia from the global Internet just will not”, – assured Nezhdanov.

Crimea three years not Google

we will Remind, in the summer of 2014 the Ministry of communications together with the FSB, FSO and the Ministry of defense conducted the first exercises to prevent Russia off from the Internet (some publications claimed, on the contrary, that the purpose of the exercise was to disconnect the country from the Network). As noted by the Minister of communications Nikolay Nikiforov, the doctrine “was aimed at the analysis of risks and threats in the external impact on the structure of Russian Internet”. “It is important to make sure that it would continue its work regardless of these or those geopolitical geopolitical opinions or decisions of other countries”, – said the Minister.

It happened after the USA in the spring of 2014 off the Crimea from Google and Microsoft. The West seriously discussed then the idea is to disable the entire Russian banking system from the international SWIFT system, in order to derail the country’s financial system.

Nikiforov reminded that Internet infrastructure manages the American company’s contract with the United States, and contrary to the position of the international community, these functions are yet to be transferred to an international organization. Moscow proposes to transfer these functions of the United Nations or the International telecommunication Union. As you know, today the Russian segment of the Internet is mainly operated from Amsterdam, which is determined by “all the basic information on routes of transmission traffic, there are actually one way or another is controlled by a system of delegation of key domain name”.

a Year ago, Nikiforov announced plans to hold the next such exercises. In addition, a year ago, the government prohibited government agencies from purchasing foreign software in the presence of peers, listed in the national registry.

In early December, the FSB has warned that foreign secret services are of a cyber attack to destabilize Russia’s financial system. Attack really did. Rostelecom, which had to repel the attacks, the five largest banks and financial institutions, confirmed the security forces.


The last day of the year will not end in 12 nights – Komsomolskaya Pravda

New year! Watch 13 beat!

international service of the Earth rotation IERS (International Earth Rotation Service), which is located in Paris, decided: December 31, 2016 will be one second longer. And after 23:59:59 “punch” 23:59:60 and then 0:00:00. This is equivalent to what the New year will not come after the 12th strike of the chimes, and after the 13th.

Second, the so – called leap – started to add since 1972 . Objective: minimize the difference between the real time linked to the rotation of the Earth and the atomic clocks that count. Real-time and then lagging behind due to the fact that our planet is gradually slowing its rotation. The international service of rotation of the Earth following this process and as necessary, makes adjustments. That is, it adds one second, then another. Such additives already scored more than 30. The last happened last year – then for a second longer than was the day July 30.

spinning, Spinning blue ball slower and slower

what the Earth is gradually slowing down its rotation? Some believe that the blame Luna inhibits its gravity. Others err on the atmosphere, others on ocean currents. Someone is a giant planet rotor motor and assures that it affects the cosmic radiation. Someone accuses people – say, building a reservoir and thereby create on the surface of the “goods” that prevent rotation.

There is even a hypothesis if the Earth is gradually inflated – whether inside, or at the expense of million tons of cosmic dust falling each year. From this, they say, and decelerates the speed. But the main reason no one knows.

it is Precisely known only that the planet began to slow down for a very long time. Continues to this day. What day are extended. And it goes to the fact that someday they will last for 25 hours. At least sure Leslie Morrison (Leslie Morrison) and his colleagues at the British Durham University (Durham University) who, using historical sources and observations of astronomers gathered data about the Earth’s rotation with 720 years before our era.

it turned Out that for the “reporting period” the day has lengthened on average by 2 milliseconds per century. Scientists have calculated that 25 hours in a day will be in 200 million years. As reported in the journal Рroceedings of the Royal Society A.


the passage of time can change at any time

Philip Macheel, Director of the Earth Institute at francuzskom the University of Montpellier, says: about 530 million years of Earth rotated so fast that in the day of 21 hours, a year – 420 days. A billion years ago, the day generally gave way at breakneck speed – lasted only 15 hours. This is evidenced by then lived blue-green algae, they are cyanobacteria, which literally reflected the passage of time. When the bacteria were light, they grew vertically. And in the dark – horizontally. By studying deposits of these minerals in different geological epochs, the scientists and determine the duration of the then day. Conclusions that the Earth slows down. And believed that the process goes on evenly. Until faced with a mystery.

Deposits witnessed in the history of the planet was at least two periods, when it sharply increased its speed. And gradually lengthening day suddenly shortened hours for two or three. This has happened once every 200 million years ago.

What raskrutila the Earth? She. According to Machetes, in the bowels of the planet, the processes that cause the movement of imposing masses of rocks closer to the center. Likewise, the skater – pressed his hands to the body and begin to rotate faster.

rotation of the planet sometimes speed up pieces of the mantle, dropping into the depths.

the Scientist has made a computer model of the subsoil with a fluidized bottom layer and the colder upper. And showed how there are gaps – giant avalanche that stitch transition zone.

- the center of the Earth is able to shift a huge lump of rock the size of a moon, says Musetel. It’s happened before. And can be repeated. Those 200 million years have elapsed since the last acceleration, just come to an end.


do Not sing, comrades!

somewhere in this world,

where it’s always frost

bears RUB their bodies against

On the earth’s axis.

passing By them are eras,

Sleep under the ice of the sea,

RUB against the axle bears,


La-La-La-La-La La-La

goes round and round the Earth.

In the light of the studies conducted Morrison, it should be recognized that the famous “song about bears” Leonid crazy (see above) of the Comedy “the Caucasian prisoner” for many years introduced and their popularity continues to mislead millions of Russians. And not the hypothesis that the rotation of our planet to support polar bears, who RUB against the back on its axis. And unscientific phrase “goes round and round the Earth.” Proven: is just the opposite. Therefore, from a scientific point of view, the right should be singing “Revolves slower than the Earth.” Or “Slow window”.

Additional friction created by the bears, only slows down the earth’s axis.


Laptops Lenovo ThinkPad L470 and L570 designed for business users – 3DNews

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Hereby in accordance with the Federal law № 152-FZ “On personal data” dated 27.07.2006 You consent to the processing 3dn’yus, OOO of personal data: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, blocking, depersonalization, destruction.

We, 3dn’yus, OOO (bin 1047796098382, legal.address: 121151, Moscow, Kutuzovsky PR-t, d. 22, p. 1), guarantee the confidentiality of information we receive. Personal data shall be processed only for the purpose of identification of participants of the contest held in the pages of the website and delivery of prizes to the winners.

this consent applies to the following personal data: surname, first name, email address, contact number, address, age, occupation.

the validity of Your consent is unlimited, however, You may at any time revoke this consent by sending an email notification to the address marked “withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data”. Please note that withdrawal of Your consent to the processing of personal data entails the deletion of Your profile that will prevent Your participation is carried out on the website competition.


ZTE has unveiled the Blade V8 smartphone with dual camera – Ferra

ZTE is published ahead of time information about its new affordable smartphone, the ZTE Blade V8. Information were quickly removed from public access, but it can still be found in the cache.

ZTE Blade V8 is the first ZTE smartphone average level, received a dual chamber. The camera consists of 13 megapixel main module and a 2-megapixel secondary. The smartphone is equipped with 5.2-inch display with a resolution of Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels), 13 megapixel front camera. The main hardware was eight-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 435, 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal flash memory.

the Work is produced under the Android operating system 7.0 Nougat with a proprietary shell MiFlavor. The official debut of the ZTE Blade V8 can be expected at CES 2017, which will be held from 5 to 8 January in Las Vegas.


Why the international rotation service have decided to extend 2016? – Arguments and facts

on 31 December 2016 after 23:59:59 will not come 1 January 2017 (with time 00:00:00) and 23:59:60.

This decision was made by the international service of rotation. Adding one second will occur in order to coordinated universal time UTC is different from astronomical time on the planet UT1 by more than 0.9 seconds. Due to the difference between UTC and UT1 gradually accumulates the difference, that can shift the start of the seasons and some important dates calendar.

What is a leap second?

a Leap second is an additional period of time, which compensates slightly slow the Earth’s rotation. The addition of such second regularly since 1972.

How often to synchronize the time?

the Time required to synchronize once a year. Most often such events occur in June and December of leap years. Last time coordinating second was added June 30, 2015. It is noted that in the future, additional seconds can be entered as often as the Earth’s rotation is gradually slowing, and the difference between UTC and UT1 grows.

Why it is necessary to synchronize the astronomical and world time?

According to the standard coordinated universal time, the Earth completes one rotation around its axis in 86400 seconds — that’s as much last night. But in fact our planet rotates more slowly: according to astronomical time, one full turn around the axis occurs 86400,002 seconds. This lag is due to the attraction of the moon and other processes inside the Earth and in the atmosphere. Of course, the difference is 2 milliseconds, very small, but this discrepancy is repeated from day to day, and year is typed in almost the whole of the “extra” second — the same second coordinate.

what crash results in the addition of extra second?

most of the failures occurring in the IT sector. Last year, the leap second caused problems with my Android phones, web television, online services and social networks. In 2012, the second led to a large error Linux, which entailed the collapse of several sites. To avoid collapse, many companies are developing various solutions. For example, Google has a special server through which the first second they “smear” for 20 hours — 10 hours before the New year and 10 hours after. The result is that the watch is a little lie.


Klimenko, Russia may be disconnected from the global Internet – Komsomolskaya Pravda

Advisor to the President Russia Vladimir Putin on the Internet Herman athletes said that Russia can be disconnected from the global Internet, and should be ready for it.

the opportunity involves developed Ministry of communications the draft law on the regulation of the Russian segment of the Internet. This initiative is aimed at protecting important Russian infrastructure.

According to Klimenko, the high probability of a sharp deterioration in relations with the West, therefore, it became necessary to take measures for protection of the Russian Internet, said the official in an interview with RT.

the new law will not apply to the actions of ordinary users.

the Question of security of the Runet emerged after the FSB it became known about the impending attacks on the Russian banking system. During the attack, was planned mass mailing and social media sharing provocative information on the credit and financial system of the country. Later, “Rostelecom” repelled the attack, the five largest financial institutions of Russia.


The words of the adviser to Putin about disabling the Internet compared with the theses of Lenin – Moscow Komsomolets

Expert: “German Klimenko reminded Ilyich of his post, Telegraph and telephone”

Today at 16:46, views: 211

the Russian Internet community with interest and a certain irony in discussing the statement of the adviser of the President of Russia Herman Klimenko that Russia may be disconnected from the global network. The main network guru of the Kremlin encouraged to actively prepare for this, in particular — to quickly pass a bill on the protection of critical electronic infrastructure in the country, according to which foreigners will not have the right to own traffic exchange points in Russia. Initially, the bill was widely seen as lobbying in favor of some domestic tycoons. Is it possible, in principle, is that the Western intruders to leave Russia without the Internet? This “MK” asked the member of the expert Council of state Duma Committee on information policy Matvey ALEKSEEV.

Слова советника Путина об отключении Интернета сравнили с тезисами Ленина


Herman Klimenko.

According to the politician, Russia needs to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances amid “tectonic shifts in the direction of worsening relations with Western countries.” Recall: examples of how to hurt the Russian Internet users from abroad already exist. For example, according to the decree of U.S. President Barack Obama of the residents of Crimea are deprived of access to services of Google and Microsoft. Also Western countries have threatened to cut off Russian banking system from SWIFT, and in early December, the FSB reported that foreign special services are preparing attacks to destabilize Russia’s financial system. “Rostelecom” has confirmed this information and added that repelled the attack, the five largest financial institutions.

- We discussed the statement of Herman S. with colleagues and compared it with the theses of Lenin in 1917 was told the “MK” Matvey ALEKSEEV, Lenin said that we need to take the post, Telegraph, telephone, and Herman S. said, should not lose mail, Telegraph, telephone and social networks. In fact, the coordination centre of domains .EN .Russia is not just eating money, including budget. He has a point that no one will allow us to knock out these domain areas. Maybe the Internet will be slower than we like, but will work. As for the Western domain zones, then anything can happen. We could theoretically disconnect from the domain zones of other countries. It is difficult, pointless, they’re at a loss, but it is doable. As part of the meaninglessness I’ll give you an example. If a Western automobile company decides not to sell cars in Russia, we’re not going to say that the West has cut off Russia from road transport. We say only that a particular concern is lost revenues for our market.

Therefore, I would regard the statements of Herman Sergeyevich as a call to that very notorious import substitution. We are willing to use someone else’s infrastructure, but we have all of his too should be. Its “iron”: the interior Ministry is now purchasing Russian-made computers — well done; your software, which will ensure all channels of communication, and so on. This will make us more independent from external factors.


Hackers have unveiled a real tablet for the citizens of North Korea –

Made in China

Europe’s largest hacker Congress of the Chaos Communication Congress held in Hamburg, was presented a tablet computer designed to work in North Korea. According to the resource Motherboard, tablet PC Woolim is designed to limit the visits of the pages of the media, tracks information about the user and can act as a technological propaganda platform policy of the DPRK.

the tablet Runs on the Android OS and with a mind not different from the gadgets colleagues. The hardware manufactured by a Chinese company Hoozo, but Korean developers made changes to the configuration. Removed Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and also set a number of their programs.

Tablet Woolim is a modified version of the Chinese model Z100, manufacturer Hoozo. The original gadget is a 10.1-inch screen with a maximum resolution of 1024×600, accelerator Mali400, 512MB of RAM and 8 GB of internal, as well as the budget Quad core CPU Allwinner A33.

the Publication notes that after the DPRK in 2014 was presented with their own OS RedStar OS based on Fedora Linux, a number of nonprofit organizations in the country presented its own design of tablets. As for Woolim, he, apparently, was released later in 2015.

a Tablet for the citizens of North Korea Woolim

Florian Hrunou (Florian Grunow) presented the tablet to the Chaos Communication Congress, explained how he got access to it.

For lessons and rest

as for the installed on the tablet programs, it allows the user to read PDF files (to your device is preinstalled propaganda literature), to watch local TV and connect to North Korean Internet. Recall that available in the DPRK, the network really is the intranet.

a Network of “Qianmen” (Kwangmyong) allows staying on the territory of North Korea foreigners are restricted to use the Internet and make long distance phone calls and local residents to use only local network.

by the Provider-monopolist in the DPRK is the company “Corelink” (Koryolink). The tablet also has apps for learning, including French, Russian and Chinese dictionaries. Another application is for the lessons of the text input from the keyboard. There is tablet games, for example Angry Birds, however, as the newspaper notes, “slightly modified”.

the Tablet will tell

Experts pointed out that the modified Woolim recognizes a limited set of files. When a user tries to open, such, HTML, or text file, the device will check its cryptographic signature. If the file is “not sanctioned”, it will not open.

as an example, experts have downloaded to the tablet .APK file from a third party. It opens. In addition, Woolim following the users. Every time the owner of the tablet opens an application, the device makes a screenshot. The screenshots are saved, cannot be deleted. As for the cost of the gadget, the experts noted that such hardware from the Chinese manufacturer is 160-200 euros. In North Korea it is a bit expensive. Thus, the gadget is designed for affluent consumers.


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

NASA was brought in to investigate the causes of the fall of “Progress” in Tuva – RBC

the leadership of the Russian space Agency, Roskosmos, has decided to involve the investigation of the causes of the accident rocket “Soyuz-U” with the transport ship “Progress MC-04″ experts NASA. Write about this “Izvestia” with reference to the General Director member of the Roscosmos RSC Energia Vladimir Solntsev, as well as the press service of the American space administration.

According to the interlocutor of the edition, the accident with the “Progress” is complicated by the fact that happened in a “very short time”. He noted that we are talking about milliseconds. “We collect and analyze vast amounts of data on previous emergencies, including the 70-ies of the last century. Attracted to the study of the causes of the accident of our American partners from NASA. They told us that they never had in the history of the accidents occurring in such short time”, — said the sun.

the Fact of bringing to the course of the investigation to the edition confirmed in the press service of NASA. In the space administration, said that the issue concerns the safety of both Russian and American crew members to the International space station (ISS). Assistance in the investigation will have a team that is responsible for the cooperation of the ISS. What facilitation is about, NASA said.

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the carrier Rocket “Soyuz-U” with space truck “Progress MC-04″ was launched from Baikonur cosmodrome on December 1. Some time after the launch of lost telemetry. According to sources TASS in the aerospace industry, it was damaged in the last seconds of the flight. As a result of this “Progress” has fallen over mountainous terrain on the territory of Tuva. At MCC, said that the accident occurred because the emergency shutdown of the engine of the third stage of the carrier rocket.


Smartphone Gionee M2017 costs from $1000 –

In November of this year, Huawei unveiled a smartphone Mate 9 and his special version of Porsche Design. The latter surprised its price, is equal to 1395 euros. Almost the same is the most expensive iPhone 7 Plus, not to mention the rest of the flagships. However, the company Gionee has gone a step further and evaluated its latest smartphone in M2017 just fabulous (for the device originally from China) worth $ 2445.

so It is a special version of the model M2017 with 256 GB of internal flash memory and a rear cover, the decoration which uses alligator leather. However technically this option M2017 does not differ from the standard version, which, however, also not cheap— $ 1000.

Ironic that M2017 didn’t even get its flagship platform: the smartphone is built though on the fast OCTA-core SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 653, but still not top. The RAM memory is 6 GB, flash memory — 128 GB.

Gionee M2017 is equipped with AMOLED screen diagonal of 5.7 inch resolution 2560 x 1440 pixels, the display provides protection sapphire crystal glass. Also in the configuration of the two slots for SIM cards, dual camera with sensor resolution of 12 and 13 megapixels, front camera with sensor resolution of 8 MP, built-in home button fingerprint sensor, LTE modem, adapters Wi-Fi 802.11 ac and Bluetooth 4.0, port USB 2.0 Type-C.

a Feature of Gionee M2017 is a rechargeable high capacity battery — 7000 mAh. this is not to say that the apparatus was very large, its dimensions are x 77,6 155,2 x 10.78 mm although the mass, of course, a decent — 238 grams. The autonomy of the smartphone is 25 hours of video playback and almost 40 days in standby mode. The source notes that Gionee M2017 supports fast charging technology Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0, so to replenish the battery charge should not take a long time.

Sources: Engadget, Nextpowerup


Discovered evidence that the moon of Pluto, was the ancient ocean – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Subsequently, he froze.

Today at 13:02, views: 1159

by Studying the three-dimensional image of Charon — satellite of Pluto, discovered by astronomers in 1978, scientists came to the conclusion that in the depths of this cosmic body in the past was the ocean. To date, the processes supporting the ocean in a liquid state, it stopped, and he froze, say the experts from NASA and several American universities.

Обнаружены свидетельства того, что на спутнике Плутона был древний океан


the Pictures, which managed to make a discovery was made research the New Horizons probe in 2015, when the space station flew past Pluto and its moons. Scientists have managed to combine color photos into three-dimensional images.

Evidence that in the past, Charon was the under-ice ocean, according to scientists, can serve as features of its relief — in particular, the longest network of canyons ever discovered on the planets and satellites of the Solar system. The depth of some of the canyons discovered the planetary is estimated at 4-5 kilometers. The network length exceeds 1,800 kilometers, and she could appear as a result of the freezing ice of the ocean, the researchers suggest.

Charon is covered with water ice, and, until recently, about the cracks on that ice was known to very few — pictures taken prior to New Horizons, were not allowed to see many of these cracks quite well. However, the new data allowed the experts to “recover” the story of a satellite of the dwarf planet. According to the researchers, in the past-Charon decayed radioactive elements, it warmed the planet from the inside and guarantees the existence of a sufficiently large subglacial ocean of liquid water. Subsequently, however, the decay process is ended, and the planet is completely frozen. It was then on its surface and there were lots of canyons, and then they remained “intact” as no more tectonic activity on the planet to be observed could not.

His research scientists published in the scientific journal Icarus.


The network got the image of a new Nokia smartphone on Android TUT.BY (press release)

In Chinese social network Weibo appeared renderings describing the upcoming release of the smartphone Nokia C1. It is reported by Gizmo China.


the Image looks more like a design concept than a real device. According to the source, the smartphone will have a dual main camera 12+16 MP and xenon flash and triple led flash.

Front camera get 5MP. The hardware basis will be the new Qualcomm Snapdragon processor 830, 4 GB of RAM and flash drive capacity of 32, 64 or 128 GB.

Recall, Nokia announced plans to reclaim the brand on the global market for mobile devices in may 2016. This was founded by the Finnish company HMD, which got the exclusive right to use the brand Nokia in the next 10 years.

in Addition to the HMD Global phones and will release smartphones running the Android OS. It is expected that the new gadgets will present in February 2017 at the MWC in Barcelona. According to rumors, the smartphone Nokia index D1C will receive average characteristics and will cost about $ 200.

see also:

HMD launched the first phones under the Nokia brand

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