Saturday, January 2, 2016

Japanese scientists have recognized pioneers 113th member – commander

Japanese RIKEN recognized creator of the 113th element of the periodic table. This is the first time experts from Asian territories were able to write his name in the history of modern chemistry, computing the new element of the well-known table.

The Japanese were able to break into the international arena in a segment of the search for new items to add to the periodic table. Technically, the struggle for a place under the sun between the Americans, the Japanese and the Russians developed a decade ago. All three representatives from different countries applied for the assignment of the opening 113 in the periodic table it is.

The fight for the honor of being the “pioneers” of the 113th element of the periodic table was between scientists over ten years. On the authorship of this element claim not only Japanese, but also scientists from the US and Russia.

But the Commission of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and physics (IUPAR) decided that the accuracy of the synthesis of the new elements of the exercise of Japan above.

113th element was obtained in Waco team of Japanese physicists, headed by Professor Koske Morita, during the experiments in 2004, 2005 and 2012.

The name 113- th element of the periodic table is not officially awarded. While even unknown variants that treat Japanese scientists. But the media are inclined to believe that the new element will be called “Japan».

Let us add that the scientists from Asia for the first time managed to open a new element in the periodic system.

However, in February 2004, Dubna near Moscow Russian-American team of scientists announced the receipt of the 113th element in the synthesis of element 115. The group suggested that it be called becquerels. However, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, considered at the Russian-American group is insufficient evidence of the creation of the 113th element.

It should be noted that in nature there are elements with atomic numbers greater than 92, the last in this list – uranium . Elements heavier than 100th in the periodic table are obtained only in the laboratory on particle accelerators.

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