Tuesday, January 12, 2016

IPhone users need not touch the “mini jack” – BBC Russian

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Once in the press there were rumors that the iPhone’s 7 standard 3.5-millimeter headphone jack will be replaced by a universal port Lightning, more than 200 thousand people have signed a petition to the leadership of Apple, asking to reconsider this decision.

This rumor has not even been confirmed, but a huge number of fans of iPhones has not seriously upset at the prospect.

The cynics say that although the new connector and will make the phone a little thinner, many headphones will be useless, and their manufacturers will in future be forced to pay to Apple for the use of its compounds Lightning.

The signatories to a petition on the website Sum of Us, as well as many users social networks, believe that Apple in this case driven by unrestrained greed.

As stated in the petition, it is technological innovation Apple will cause the mountains turned into junk appliances.

But, in addition it will be a fatal blow to the technology before successfully withstand the test of time.

3,5-mm jack, or as it is often called a “mini-jack” – this device has the XIX century, a smaller version of the classic 6.35-mm connectors, the invention is believed to be in 1878.

Plug both sizes have tapered tip, which is inserted into the hole.

“It is good that is easily and quickly inserted and removed, but it provides a tight connection “, – says Charlie Slee, a member of the British Society for audio engineers.

Classic slot

At first, 6.35 mm connector used by the telephone operator control station whose job required constant, instant handoff.

“quarter-” Jack “has always been the accepted standard”, – says Simon Hall, Head of Music Technology, University of Birmingham. – Professional studio headphones, guitar connections – they all had a 6.35-mm jack “.

Image copyright iStock
Image caption This connector is also known as a TRS-jack, so named for the three main elements of the contact pin

Of course, as the miniaturization of electronic devices and connectors are reduced.

3,5-mm jack quickly gained popularity, especially this helped the spread in the middle of the twentieth century for headphones transistor radios.

This connector is also known as a TRS-jack, so named for the three main elements of the contact pin (tip – the left channel, ring – right signal and sleeve – ground).

Some modern plugs, there is another, additional ring isolated management microphone and volume control.

“From a technical point of view it is good design – Charlie says Slee. – If it is made cheaply, it can break or make contact, but by and large he was well doing its job “.

But if the rumors that Apple has not commented confirmed, the fate of the so-familiar all 3 5-millimeter jack will be called into question.

“painful transition”

Apple has repeatedly refused to traditional devices, which then began to quickly disappear and of the products of its competitors.

The company has ceased to be used very early in the 3.5-inch floppy disks and was among the first refused to optical drives in their laptops.

Image copyright Getty
Image caption Standard plug was invented in the XIX century its advantage was convenience for telephone operators

With such a serious impact Apple’s world of technology, the potential problems associated with its rejection of the standard connector, are obvious.

“This is a rather painful transition, as there are hundreds of millions of devices using the old standards” – said the expert in the field of electronic technology Horace Dediu.

“Primitive” headphones last century, by which listened to the recording on the phonograph, were the usual acoustic tube.

For many years, the headphones have a simple kind of phones with the conventional system, consisting of a coil, a magnet and a diaphragm.

But modern headphones high-end – is much more complex devices, and often music lovers spread significant amount of high-quality sound.

Replace penny headphones new for most people the problem will not be, but if the music on your iPhone you’re listening through your favorite headphones for a thousand dollars, innovation Apple you unlikely to enjoy.


According to Charlie Slee, users are concerned about the fact that Apple is constantly trying to control the way you listen to music.

But, as he says, the buyer is deceived into thinking that he ever choose what technology to use.

“In fact, the opposite is true: the big companies always control how you listen music and watching videos, “- he said.

Image caption Standard 3.5 mm jack would have gone back in time and without Apple, experts say

“I think that all this – storm in a teacup” – agrees Simon Hall. He recalled that the standardized connector for mobile phones – is a luxury, which appeared only recently.

“For previous generations of mobile phones such as Nokia, was an adapter, – he said. – If you need to connect headphones to professional equipment, you need a professional adapter “.

Therefore, in the case of the new iPhones, if it really will be equipped with connector Lightning, owners of older models of headphones will be forced to buy adapters.

Horace Dediu, in turn, predicted the inevitable and rapid changes in this area.

“Apple – is a catalyst for change, – he said. – It would have happened anyway in 10-15 years, but thanks to Apple” mini-jack “will disappear in 5-7 years”.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that it is time to abandon the standard 3.5 mm connector, says Dediu.

“Because I study the history of technology and familiar with Moore’s Law, for me it is obvious that the analog technology not last for a long time – said the expert. – It is surprising that they still exist until now “.


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