On the night of Friday, October 9, many shops have switched to night work to meet at first willing to purchase a new iPhone 6s. Such ceremonial start of sales of new Apple gadgets in Moscow is not the first time and almost always collected an impressive number of people.
So, a year ago, a solid line for iPhone 6 to the store re: Store in the shopping center “European” lined up already ten in the morning, although sales were to begin only at midnight.
However, this year due to a number of factors cost a new iPhone compared to last year prices seriously increased. iPhone 6s in Russia can be purchased from 56 990 to 74 990 rubles. depending on the volume accumulator. Cost iPhone 6s Plus – from 65 990 to 83 990 rubles.
And while worldwide sales of iPhone 6s hit records , Russia’s new smartphones to meet not so violently as last year.
For example, according to a representative of one of the Moscow shops in the city center, only a little more than 20 people took place in advance of the device. Last year, at the door of the crowded store about 200 people.
According to the seller, 75% of Russian buyers prefer to buy iPhone 6s, instead of 6s Plus.
The most popular color trends Space Gray Steel and Rose Gold, and the most popular version was the device with 64 GB of internal memory.
For the participants held various contests with prizes. So, visitors shop played the first three places in the queue. “Gazety.Ru” managed to communicate with the first buyer of iPhone 6s.
– I am not for myself, for my brother. It is a “six” lost – busily tossed middle-aged man. The price of the device it is considered acceptable and argues that “if a person can afford it, why not?»
But the visitors could store not only to win one of the first issues in turn. The store held a drawing of the certificates AppStore and iPhone 6s, and some people come just for the fact to get the new smartphone for free.
– Buy? No! The price is too high, but I hope to win it – one of the girls was very determined to win the competition. Looking ahead, I should say that to win it and failed.
At the same time one can not say that the new iPhone is now solely for the pleasure of the rich. “Times” talked to a couple of students, who have long hoarded device, earning entertainers.
– We are from ordinary families, and we have never had such a thing. This new iPhone, and the first month, we will be able to “pontovatsya.” The choice was between the dog and the iPhone, ultimately chose the iPhone, and the dog … may the New Year “- for a moment grustneet happy owner of the gadget.
Leading the celebration also shared his thoughts on about the start of sales of a new iPhone in Russia. According to him, the price of the device is high, but it will find a buyer. Just this is the buyer of the first night of sales did not come, so the novelty has not caused excitement. However, currently for the money it is the phone to buy would not, and has looked like something cheaper.
Such a modest start selling a new iPhone once again demonstrates that the popularity Gadget premium price category in Russia inevitably falls. Some experts argue that now the Russians are willing to spend less money to buy a new smartphone.
According to the general director Konstantin Ankilov TMT Consulting, Muscovites today prefer to buy a smartphone worth about 15 thousand. Rub. Against this background, growing popularity of Chinese brands. According to research by the cellular operator “VimpelCom”, about 20% of Muscovites are gadgets from Chinese manufacturers.
Moreover, among the most purchased brands in addition to Apple and Samsung began to appear on stamps from China, for example Fly and Lenovo.
This year, the price range from 3 thousand. 7.5 thousand. rub. already accounts for about 55% of all smartphones sold, the average price of purchased gadget was 9.6 thousand. rub.
The share acquisitions smartphones more 40 thousand. rub. compared with the previous year also increased, but this happened in the first place because of the price jump caused by economic factors. Simply put, the same smartphone much more expensive compared to last year, going thereby into the category of award.
The disappointing data for Apple and fans of its products leads and lead analyst Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin. According to him, this year the first batch of a new iPhone will be only 50 thousand. Pieces, whereas a year earlier the figure was 120 thousand.
These shipments do not add elitism new smartphone from Apple, but rather to show that the proposal reflects the projected low demand for the company’s flagship in the Russian market.
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