Professor Ural Federal University (Urfa) Victor Grokhovsky warned of an impending meteorite threat to Earth, according to Tass. “In this century, the first large meteor exploded in the sky over Chelyabinsk. It is possible that the Earth one or two times can be attacked by the” brothers “of the Chelyabinsk meteorite “, – said the scientist.
The professor stressed that his assumption is based on an analysis of statistical attacks Earth for the last several centuries. Grokhovsky noted that the largest meteorites fall on our planet about three times in 100 years.
Scientists watching potentially dangerous celestial bodies , but not able to detect all of them. “In particular, it was planned to launch a series of satellites that could monitor the situation. But now this issue has died down. I want to note that over the 1.5 years we do not step in advanced forecasting closer to the Earth meteorites” – added Professor . Due to the fact that the devices that track the approach of dangerous space bodies are billions of rubles, the scientist offers Create global cooperation on the issue.
One of the largest meteorites ever exploded in Chelyabinsk vicinity of 15 February 2013. 1613 people were injured, most – of the ejected fragments of a celestial body of glasses.
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