Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Instagram celebrates anniversary – BBC

The story began with the idea of ​​Instagram Kevin Sistroma and Mike Krieger to establish a service for mobile devices, primarily focused on photography. The main feature of unremarkable at first glance, photoservice, of which in 2010 was more than enough steel filters.

Filters allow you to specify pictures of a particular mood and add “flavor” in the most ordinary picture .

The very Sistrom said filters Instagram perform the same function, which could fulfill the button “Make it interesting” under the record in Twitter.

After completing product development, SISTROM Krieger and 6 October 2010 download the app in App Store. Downloads Instagram immediately began to grow full swing. Only one day an application is about 25 thousand. Man. The creators had to work all day long to keep Instagram «fall” in the first days after the launch.

One day after one of the “downs” server Mike Krieger was far outside the city. Developer been looking for a stable Wi-Fi-network and eventually found her in the hen house, where already understood the problem.

Since then, the team has grown, developed and functional applications. In 2011, Instagram appeared hashtags and new filters in 2012 released version for Android, which is a day established for more than 1 million users.

In April of the same year, the social networking site Facebook has acquired Instagram for $ 1 billion.

Over the next three years Instagram introduced geotags and mark members 15-second video and the ability to publish photos of the landscape orientation. However, increased picture quality and the number of new users.

In March 2014 Instagram have established 200 million people, and in September 2015 the second – 400 million. Thus, for the half year social network has attracted as much new users as registered in nearly three and a half years since the launch of Instagram.

Now Instagram headed for a clear monetization. Thus, in the Russian segment of the social network were advertising posts and videos up to 30 seconds.

Instagram and Trends

Instagram constantly creating new trends. For example, the social network has become the main promoter of self. Self pleasure, self at work, self in the journey of self in the gym – like pictures allows you to move the focus not on the sealing of the environment, and the presence of the author of the image in a particular place.

In order to diversify boring photos of their own person, people are coming up with creative ways to feed. For example, Half made-up selfie – pictures in which a girl nakrashivayut only half of the face, emphasizing just how much cosmetic changes appearance.

Another “immortal” trend remains pictures food.

# Instagram_edy became a separate cult of the social network. The main thing here is not the dish, and the composition in which the food takes a leading role.

However, Instagram and its members are often accused of pictures in social networks that do not reflect reality. Each shows only that present him in the best light, creating a false impression of the person.

Thai photographer Chompu Beriton recently submitted a photo project, show how photography can be far from the context. Beriton take pictures in a variety of conditions, highlighting the most beautiful part that was “zainstagramlena».

Instagram today

Today, social network provides plenty of opportunities.

Instagram today – it’s Playground advertising, creativity and personal diary.

With the help of social networking known brands to increase their audience, attracting new subscribers original content. Thus, Instagram has become an important tool in the hands of marketers.

In addition, Instagram is rife with accounts of artists, actors and athletes. With the help of social networks they keep up to date with the life of their fans and often become newsmakers, causing extensive resonance with your own images.

photoservice realized significant role and policies. For them, this is definitely an opportunity to become closer to the electorate, to show their best side. In Russia, well-known politicians – Instagram users are, for example, Dmitry Medvedev, Ramzan Kadyrov and Vladimir Zhirinovsky. On account premier signed 1.7 million people, he Dmitry Medvedev will post pictures at least once a week.

Instagram continues to increase its audience and grow internationally. According to the data of the social networks, the history of the service users have downloaded more than 40 billion images each month is loaded about 80 million photos and put 3.5 billion likes a daily basis.


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