Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The colonization of Mars: company SpaceX promises to the cities and cheap tickets – Вести.Ru

the head of the company SpaceX Elon Musk presented the plan for the colonization of Mars. A businessman wants to create on the red planet absolutely Autonomous cities. The first people to deliver to Mars planned for 2025. It is necessary in the event of the Apocalypse, which, according to the Mask, is inevitable.

Elon Musk conquering not only space but also energy. The businessman is one of the chairmen and principal shareholders of the company SolarCity. The main owners are his cousins, brothers Rave. And here it turns out that they are famous alleged alien design. In 2015, the firm set a world record in energy efficiency of solar panels. But it turned out that the know-how owned by the company Cogenra, a subsidiary of SunPower Corporation. In any case, as stated in the lawsuit.

“Know-how are generally very difficult to protect. You need to prove what was known about this know-how and that it is appropriately formalized. Of course, if it is proved the fact that it was a trade secret, but the face, despite this, have used this know-how without the consent of the owner, it is an ordinary violation of the rights of intellectual property owner. Then criminal liability. But it is difficult to prove, must be a strong case for legal action,” says Ivan Bliznets, rector, Russian state Academy of intellectual property.

But arguments from the plaintiff, apparently not. In any case, until they have provided. To understand in this whole situation. The main thing — to prove that the development was recorded. That is, Cogenra should be the relevant documents confirming that they entered into the production of solar modules. If this is confirmed, the Mask is high will be fined.

But SolarCity is that the answer Cogenra. It turned out that recently, one of the employees of the company resigned and moved to the position of senior sales Manager at SunPower Corporation, taking with him from the former work place the disc with confidential information.

“Instead of confess and to return the misappropriated our trade secrets, one of the units of SunPower rushes to court with unworthy suit, trying to divert attention from the actions of head office”, — said Jonathan bass, a SolarCity representative.

the Mask now has better things to do claims — the conquest of Mars. Yesterday in Mexico at the Congress of the International Federation of astronauts he presented his ambitious plan to colonize the red planet. So the colony became self-supporting, according to the businessman, there must be around a million people. Of course, Mars will get they are not overnight. To deliver at a time will be 100-200 people. But is colonization from 40 to 100 years.

“the Main obstacle during the flight to Mars is the presence of man in space for 1.5-2 years. Faster will not fit. Flight to Mars lasts for 9 -10 months one way. Radiation so high away from the earth’s atmosphere and magnetosphere that this is a major obstacle during the flight to Mars,” explains Vladimir Surdin, senior researcher of the State astronomical Institute. Sternberg.

Radiation Mask is not so much frightening. That need protecting, he knows. Hopes to create an artificial magnetic field. Also, be willing to compete in terms, for how many will be able to fly to Mars. Initially, he hoped to keep within 80 days, and later to reduce this period to one month. This will be possible thanks to a reusable transport system. It is now developing in SpaceX. It will consist of the spacecraft and the launch vehicle. After delivering the colonists to the orbit, it will return and the ship to refuel, take a course to Mars. Thus, the price of a ticket to the red planet should be about 200 thousand dollars. For comparison: now to get to Mars for $ 10 billion.

“We have to make missions to Mars affordable. And we think, based on before you plan that first flight to the Red planet will be quite expensive. But over time, a flight will cost less than 200 thousand dollars, maybe even less than 100 thousand, it all depends on how many people will be on Board,” says Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX.

Plans for the Mask is really ambitious. The first settlers to Mars needs to get to 2025. Well, the first spacecraft going to the Red planet six years from now, in 2022. Experts believe that this is indeed possible, but the current timeline is realistic.


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