Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Sex in old age – the cause of premature death – TVNZ

Sex in old age causes increased risk of heart attacks and even cardiovascular problems. This means that the chance of premature death.

However, this applies only to men. In older women, on the contrary, good sex reduces the risk of high blood pressure.

This is evidenced by the first large-scale study that is conducted, scientists from several universities under the leadership of Associate Professor of Sociology Hui Liu of University Michigan . The project entitled “How sex affects health in old age”, aimed at the control of the quality of life of older people in the America , financed from the federal budget United States . The findings are published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

Professor Liu and her colleagues analyzed data from 2,204 people aged 57 to 85 years. As both men and women. A survey itself consisted of two parts, First was carried out in 2005 and 2006, second – five years later. Then the parameters of the first and second modules are compared.

And in the first and in the second case, experts first interviewed people how often they have sex, which can be noted sensations of everyday life and after sexual intercourse, and so on.

After that, carry out diagnostics of the cardiovascular system of the respondents, assessed the risk of their hypertension, myocardial infarction, heart failure and stroke. We measured the increase in C-reactive protein.

The main thing that was required to check the skill, it’s like sexual habits can influence the lives of the elderly. And in the end it turned out that the common notion that sex useful, is fundamentally mistaken . At least for men exactly


-.? I’m sorry to disappoint some, but it’s true – mature men who have sex more than once a week, about twice as likely to suffer from heart disease than those who ceased to be sexually active, – establishes the fact of Hui Liu, and adds: – H If ye all heart problems, tend to have those men who believe sex is particularly enjoyable and necessary for your health .

this is explained primarily by the fact that for sex to older accounts put more effort . And such “gymnastics” usually lasts longer, than when young. Therefore, elderly Experiencing a heavy load on the cardiovascular system.

testosterone levels and use drug to improve sexual function may also play a role

-. Although research on this topic is very small, however, sexual medicine or supplements can have a negative impact on the cardiovascular system of the elderly men. Therefore, doctors must often talk to elderly patients on the subject and talk about the potential risks of a high level of sexual activity in the heart and blood vessels , – says Liu


In the case of the older generation of women’s cardiac risk was detected. And what’s more – frequent sex they went only benefit! They had fewer problems with hypertension . And in general, a good sex life is s Protecting older women from cardiovascular risk in the future.

female sex hormone, which is released during orgasm, improves health, and besides, during sexual intercourse the woman, as a rule, not so much tense in comparison with partner

Yes, I understand that the results of our study challenge those who think that sex brings some benefits . But it is, unfortunately, the situation is a little different

By the way, this study runs counter to the fact that a few years ago conducted by specialists University of Rostock . Then they said that such inexorable companions of old age, such as memory loss, confusion, decreased mental abilities, can significantly retreat, if people do not stop sex life.

In the researchers during the study surveyed 170 investigated in aged 63 to 75 years. It turned out that those who still retain a sexual relationship, showed higher intellectual ability than their peers who think that sex – is the privilege of young

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