Friday, September 16, 2016

Respiratory disease in infants can be identified by urine – BBC

08.09.2016 <- - include virtual = "/ nm2015 / ssi / news / bulka.shtml"!> | 14:06

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The specialists of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician VI Kulakov’s Health Ministry and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) proposed an approach to clarify the diagnosis of the newborn by the protein composition of urine. Innovation will help doctors to not only diagnose respiratory disease of newborns, but also to monitor therapeutic response (the body’s response to the treatment of the baby) and the rehabilitation period without ill effects. The study published in the journal Journal of Proteomics.

Premature babies account for a significant proportion of patients resuscitation departments and intensive care of newborns. Pathology of the respiratory system are essential for premature infants. For a successful nursing of infants is important to understand what caused the disease – an infection or lack of development. A serious problem of intensive care of premature newborns is many invasive examination methods (intervention, accompanied by a violation of tissue – blood sampling, biopsy).

Biological fluids (blood, saliva, urine, etc.) are complex in their composition. Separating process material to certain portions (via liquid chromatography), measuring the mass of proteins in these portions (mass spectrometry of high resolution) and carrying respective bioinformation processing the data, the researchers were able to identify 36 proteins, which can determine respiratory disorders infection (congenital pneumonia) and non-infectious (transient tachypnea of ​​the newborn – Waybill, respiratory distress syndrome – RDS) origin in infants

according to the scientists, proteomic composition of adult incontinence studied for over 30 years and data on proteomic composition of the urine of newborns are only beginning to accumulate. . Samples of the premature babies were compared to three control groups:. Healthy babies, healthy men and pregnant women

«In our pilot study, we were able to identify a group of urine proteins specific for preterm infants with different respiratory pathologies. While we are pioneers in the use of non-invasive methods to search for biomarkers for the diagnosis of respiratory pathologies babies. But the results are optimistic, and based on them, you can move forward in the development of a method for monitoring the condition of the kids, “- says Professor Eugene Nikolaev, supervisor of the laboratory of ionic and molecular physics MIPT, one of the authors of the study

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