Thursday, March 24, 2016

Today, DO NOT miss the lunar eclipse – SoftSraze: actual and objectively


March 24, 2016 from 12.39 to 16.54 Moscow time will penumbral eclipse of the Moon, which will be able to watch residents of East Asia, Australia, part of the Americas. In our country, the visibility of the eclipse will have on the regions of Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

Should we be afraid of penumbral lunar eclipse, why does not necessarily put on the table a round mirror to attract good luck and to surround his glass of water and a lunar eclipse helped Columbus to survive, says

penumbral eclipse occurs when the Moon passes the penumbra (the space in which the Earth obscures the sun only partially), but not included in the shadow. It is important that the penumbral eclipse the brightness of the moon decreased, but not much: this decrease is practically imperceptible to the naked eye and only fixed devices

At this time, the maximum of the eclipse occurred at 14 hours 47 minutes Moscow time, and the greatest phase. penumbral eclipse was 0.80. In was in the constellation Virgo the eclipse of the moon – but this fact will not affect any state of health or on the private life of people

However, some Russian media have a different opinion.. “The eclipse of the moon is not always a good sign. Sometimes it can be a “trigger” for something destructive, “” most dangerous period – three days before the eclipse, and three days after. In addition to the danger of this period bears and change, because if you want to, it is only in these days can change your life and to program a better fate for the future “,” It is not necessary in this day to sign important documents, contracts, opening a new business or change jobs “- such advice given readers some editions. However, there were those who held the opposite opinion: “We should expect mass public movements that may contribute to the rapid cessation of conflict – all over the world. It is also expected a surge of creativity and windy weather in April and May. But in general, the eclipse will affect people positively. Strong fear it is not necessary “, – reported another edition

Moreover, the media cited and detailed instructions on how to commit the necessary rites: for example, one of the books recommended to take a round mirror, put it on the table, put around him. . three glasses of water and at least 15 minutes to mentally “to say goodbye to all the adversities»

«Reading astrological sites or media outlets that publish astrological predictions, almost always leaves me perplexed, – told the department of science Oleg Fairy a physicist at the laboratory of computer design of materials in MIPT. – Now there is a partial lunar eclipse, and, according to squeeze dry, – it is better not to walk in the street, because the frequency of injuries will increase sexual activity is contraindicated, the eclipse brings changes in relationships. And here and there, on the contrary, wrote that it is possible to correct financial position, but not to learn new skills and not having worked as it should, and spending money rite. Allegedly, Earth’s shadow will give the moon to transform the energy of sunlight, from this and all the trouble, or goodness.

To be honest, there is a feeling that this user behavior in the affected area of ​​nuclear bombardment, rather than the description of ordinary astronomical developments. In the year there are several of these eclipses, the last (the sun) was on March 9th. On this day, might feel bad is it that those who walked well on the previous day.

The moon enters the Earth’s shadow, in this case, not even in the shade, and in partial shade, and then comes out of it. No mysticism and magic.

Perhaps the word “penumbra” is misleading, giving something mysterious, incomprehensible. Meanwhile penumbra – just less illuminated region of space. While in partial shade, you can see only part of the light source, and in the shade – it is impossible. It occurs when a luminous object comparable sizes so that casts a shadow (this is how the sun drives the earth, and when viewed from the Moon). You can do not a difficult experiment, shine a light on an object, such as a smartphone, and see the edges of the dark shadow gray penumbra. Interestingly, microbes trapped in the penumbra, will spend money rites »

In fact, scientists have long been proven: no sun, no moon or planets in the solar system do not have a life or destiny of man no effect. First, among the known science of physical interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak) for stars and planets in relation to the Earth can only talk about the gravitational interaction – all the other streams of particles and radiation are so weak that their registration is required to use highly sensitive instruments . Secondly, no statistically significant evidence of the correctness of astrological predictions do not exist.

«Penumbral lunar eclipses cause little interest, since it does not represent a bright celestial show. Moon in this eclipse often weakens the brightness is so low that it can be seen or fixed only by means of sensitive equipment, “- reported on the website of the Moscow planetarium

Previous lunar eclipse of humanity watched 28 September 2015 -., And it was complete. At the moment of the total lunar eclipse the Moon is not completely gone from the sky, and has acquired a deep red hue. This is due to the fact that, even when completely closed from direct sunlight the Earth, Moon continued weakly illuminated light passing tangentially to the earth’s surface in the atmosphere of our planet. Due to the fact that the Earth’s atmosphere best transmits the red-orange part of the spectrum, the Moon’s surface became reddish

The next lunar eclipse (which is half-shadow) will happen September 16, 2016 -. And it can be observed in the territory . Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the western Pacific ocean

But the near total lunar eclipse will take place on a January 31, 2018 – and it will lasts 1 hour 16 minutes

In. chronicles often mentioned about lunar eclipses, for example, the Athenian statesman and military commander Nicias was afraid of this astronomical phenomenon – and therefore in his army started to panic, because of which the Athenians defeated

one day, according to legend, the eclipse. come to the aid of Christopher Columbus: being in Jamaica, the famous traveler in need of food and water for his team – but the locals are in no hurry to help him

Then, Columbus, knowing that soon will be a lunar eclipse, announced. if leaders do not deliver products to the ship, he stole the moon sky. There was an eclipse – and the people of Jamaica, immediately rushed to the discoverer of food and drinking water

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