Tuesday, March 22, 2016

In Russia create a social network for paralyzed – Dni.Ru

The Russian scientists are developing a social network for completely paralyzed people. “Neyrochat” for people who have lost the ability to speak and move, you may be already in 2016.
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press / Jochen Sand

Our goal – to enable people without speech and movements to communicate with each other and interested in their fate the people in a specialized social network through ergonomic neyrointerfeysnogo complex” – the newspaper quoted ” Izvestia “CEO” Neyrotrend “Natalia Galkina.

According to the project manager, is registered in Russia every year to 450 thousand new stroke, which resulted in 85% of people are disabled. Total is now in our country about four million patients in need of means of communication without the voice and movements: it is necessary for their rehabilitation, socialization and inclusion in acceptable forms of socially useful work

The interface. the patient will be from the screen, processor, router, wireless headset in a headband with electrodes. The headset will read electroencephalography person , and convert it to a specific team.

Approximate project cost 133 million rubles , of which a third is planned to attract extra-budgetary sources. The project is clarified Galkina, it can be implemented in the years 2016-2018

It should be noted that the famous physicist Stephen Hawking even after complete paralysis continues to lead an active life -. Is engaged in the science, teaching, speaker, talking with the world using a computer voice synthesizer. In 1963, 22-year-old Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The doctors then believed that he live two or three years left. However, their forecasts were not justified, the scientist continued his scientific work, twice married and was the father of three children.

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