Wednesday, March 16, 2016

It disclosed the secret “fairy ring” (Video) – RSUTE

Moscow / 17.03.2016 7:08 /

An international team of researchers was able to find so-called fairy ring (fairy circles) in Australia, which in turn It made it possible to confirm one of the theories of their origin. The results of his scientific work scientists published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

fairy ring, referred to in the study -. This dry soil areas where no vegetation grows. Previously, they were met only in dry grasslands of Namibia. However, Professor Stephen Gettsin of the Center for Environmental Research Helmholtz and his colleagues found a similar formation in the arid regions of Australia. Study of new community includes the study of the properties of heath soil, determination of the temperature and humidity of the upper soil layer. Also, scientists interested in the possible signs of ants and termites in the region. Despite the fact that the composition of the soil of the Australian community is different from the soil in Namibia, the researchers found a similar nature they occur on different continents.

Previously, biologists have put forward several theories of education fairy ring. According to one of them, in the formation of such structures is guilty termite activity which destroys the root system, leading to death of plants. Other researchers believe that plants are killing toxic emissions of carbon monoxide. A third theory suggests that fairy ring formed by themselves with a combination of certain conditions of humidity and soil characteristics.

There are several theories of the formation of fairy ring. According to one of them, in the formation of such structures fault termites destroying roots, which leads to destruction of vegetation. Other researchers believe that plants are killing toxic emissions of carbon monoxide. A third theory suggests that fairy ring formed by themselves with a combination of certain conditions of humidity and soil characteristics.
Scientists have created a computer model, according to which the circles are the result of plant competition for water and other resources, the amount of which is not enough to create a continuous vegetation cover. However, many researchers are skeptical of such a theory of education fairy ring, as the following were found in only one region of the world.


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