Wednesday, September 17, 2014

NASA entrusted launch astronauts to the ISS, Boeing and SpaceX for $ 6.8 billion – BFM.Ru

Private spacecraft will replace the Russian “Alliances»

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has selected Boeing and SpaceX as the creators of the first two spacecraft to deliver astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS), which should put an end to dependence on the Russian “Soyuz”, reports AFP.

The contract amount is estimated at $ 6.8 billion, said NASA chief Charles Bolden, who made the announcement at the Kennedy Space Center nearby Cape Canaveral, Florida. Boeing receives $ 4.2 billion, while SpaceX will get $ 2.6 billion of the total contract amount.

«Today we made a giant step that brings us closer to being able to send our astronauts into space with the United States in American spaceship, “said Bolden.

Running astronauts using ships built by private business, allows NASA to focus on larger projects a flight to Mars.

The first flights of private spacecraft to be held in 2017.


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