Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Igor Lisov: United States for a few years, will remain in the space dependence on Russia – to Pravda.Ru

Tensions United States and Russia have forced NASA to accelerate the creation of its own manned spacecraft, the Russian counterparts “Union.” Contracts for the construction of these ships is a new generation of aerospace company signed an agreement with Boeing and SpaceX. The total amount of the contracts is $ 6.8 billion. Launch of the new ships will be produced with the United States (Florida).

Will this second experience of creating your own best American ships and ships more reliable than those that flew in the implementation of the program Space Shuttle? to these and other questions are answered correspondent Pravda.Ru editor and columnist for the magazine “News of Cosmonautics” Igor Lisov .

– This program has nothing to do to tensions. It is aimed at decoupling the United States from Russia, in which they were about 10 years ago, when refused to deliver crews to the ISS using the shuttle. Everything goes in the order and with the monetary costs that they can afford.

Over the past several years, Congress routinely underestimated funds for this program, and NASA, as an organ of the United States government, opposed, stressing that America remains dependent on Russia, and it is bad.

Perhaps last year’s events have spurred the desire of all stakeholders to this problem has been removed. But to say that this was the main reason – it is impossible. As for the ship, I have no doubt that American engineers are quite capable of making class ship “Apollo” even now.

– How do you assess the chances of NASA to deliver astronauts to the ISS independently of Russia?

– If you live to the ISS in 2018, then they will do it. By the way, independence still will not, because it is planned to keep the scheme in which the number of Americans fly on our ships, as part of our – on American.

– suffer if the Russian space industry ?

– I think we will be a little easier, because releasing four “Union” in the year is hard enough. And to top flight American ships could be reduced their production and redirect power to the early completion of the project a new piloted spaceship.

– One of the reasons for the end of Space Shuttle program in 2011 called the big spending. Are the United States is now pouring huge sums in the space program (including their significant spending on military operations in other continents ) ?

– Yes, they have little reduced budget compared to what it was 3-4 years ago, but in principle, all within the same order of numbers. This fall, as had NASA, say in 1991, and there is no close. The new ships will likely be less expensive to operate, because the shuttle gave her 3-3.5 billion per year, regardless of whether flying or not flying. For new ships, to bring them to flight status two companies issued a total of more than six billion over the next 3-4 years, that is evident, at least half.

And then we’ll see in operation. The fact that the Americans are going to buy it for the delivery of services, and not the ships themselves. Therefore, it is not very logical to increase this amount to infinity

– Whether corporation cheaper production (taking into account that the same company Boeing buys titanium for aircraft construction in Russia … and now sanctions as is well known)?

– I think all that is needed to Americans because they are under sanctions will bring.

See PHOTO: Land: view from the side

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