Sunday, January 31, 2016

Parade of planets – a harbinger of the apocalypse? – Commander

The residents of the northern hemisphere of the earth will see the “Parade of Planets” with the naked eye. This astronomical phenomenon will appear on the horizon just before sunrise at 6:30 am.

The head of the Moscow Planetarium astronomical complex Jaroslav Turilov said that from January 31 to February 7, before dawn in the southern sky can be observed high in the sky – Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and the Moon, and low in the sky – Venus and Mercury. Watch such a phenomenon can be to the naked eye, the telescope is not required for this.

It is reported that the residents will be able to effortlessly see Venus and Mercury, which will be low on the horizon. We also know that does not hurt to witness this cosmic phenomenon and the Moon, which will also be strongly repel sunlight.

The astronomers told that such a term as the parade of planets “does not exist, but among the fans, it is often used for description of the phenomenon in space. Also, scientists are assured that no pattern between the parade of planets and natural disasters there.

The small parade of planets this year includes a parade of the five planets in the solar system. Above the horizon in the night sky will be visible to Mercury and Venus, and Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, but not quite in this order. Of course, a parade of planets is actually significantly different from the view of many of us. On the Internet, we are used to seeing images on which planet is literally placed one after another in a row. Nothing like that really is not and can not be. Just planet placed in orbit so that they are all seen from one point in the world, which is rare. That is the essence of what he saw.

Watch this stunning spectacle can be in almost any region of Russia. All five of the planets will be visible above the horizon in the early morning before sunrise. It is best to watch the spectacle of the city is around 6-8 o’clock in the morning local time, when the sun has not shone the starry sky. A look at the world, you can even with the naked eye, unless, of course, to know where to look. If you use a telescope or even binoculars, the spectacle becomes just unimaginable.

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Earthlings await the opening of the third eye in the parade of planets – SoftSraze: actual and objectively

 parade of planets

January 31, 2016 the world’s population will have an interesting celestial spectacle – closer to sunrise (7:30 MSK) on the horizon you can see five planets in the solar system and the moon to join them.

According to experts, to watch the parade of planets January 31, 2016 it will be possible with the naked eye. This will be possible due to the fact that the moon at this time is decreasing, so its light will not interfere with observations.

«In the town of all the planets, we are unlikely to see as Venus and Mercury will be low on the horizon, and can not be seen behind the houses. Observation is best done in an open area, away from city lights. Sunrise in early February accounted for approximately 8:20 MSK, that is, at 7:30 MSK sky dark enough “- said the head of the Moscow planetarium astronomical complex Yaroslav Turilova.

From January 31 to February 7, before dawn in the southern part of the sky can be observed: high in the sky – Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and the Moon, and low in the sky – Venus and Mercury. Watch phenomenon can be to the naked eye, the telescope will not be necessary.

The parade of planets in 2016 will be able to see not only the residents of Moscow and all the people in the Northern hemisphere.

These are the term “parade of planets “does not actually exist, but it is widespread among amateur astronomers – they called a parade of planets astronomical phenomenon when several planets of our system are collected in a small area of ​​the sky.

In the parade of planets in 2016″ will be attended “Only five planets in the current parade of planets 31 January 2016 in a single line in the constellation Scorpio and Virgo lined up five planets – Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus and Mercury.

The last time earthlings witnessed this phenomenon In December 2004 – January 2005.

In turn, a big parade with the participation of all the planets of the solar system inhabitants of the earth will see the May 19, 2161.

Astronomers calm worried citizens parade of planets It does not affect the well-being of people or terrestrial phenomena. Since even the largest of the planets – Jupiter affects the Earth a hundred times smaller than the Moon and Sun, who love to play with our oceans and seas.

The astrologers also believe that the parade of planets – a unique phenomenon and the next you have to wait about 10 years. So whether or not to postpone for 10 years what you can do right now?

As mentioned earlier, it involves five planets – Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn and YupiterPri this case, three members of Mercury, Venus and Mars is personal planets, and two – Saturn and Jupiter – social planets. As a rule, they are horoscopes each in his place and in most cases we need to make efforts to ensure that our personality traits, needs, capabilities and desires coincide.

Usually, but not during the Parade of Planets! Month from 31 January to 21 February will be the amazing time, when your desires coincide with your opportunities. When you are provided at the right time in the right place with the right people. When any problem or the problem will find its solution. When the society will clearly give you an idea of ​​exactly where and in what form will demand your unique qualities and abilities. And you can use absolutely all the energy involved in the parade of planets, and, in a very particular style, which determine the sign of the zodiac.

All you need is the willingness to accept and use these gifts say astrolohi.

Mercury – will give you an abundance of good and absolutely real ideas and solutions. He will give you the ability to clearly articulate what you need and what you want. As well, the ability to clearly and audibly convey to others their thoughts. Also, be prepared for an abundance of very useful contacts. New people with whom you can realize your plans.

Venus – will give you an appeal and the ability to please others. It will save you from fantasy and give the ability to literally attract money and valuables. Also, it will lead to your circle of women who are close to you in spirit and will help you with your goals. Any, from the search for her husband to work in your business.

Mars – will make you active and will give you a lot of energy. Pep and feeling strong flexible panther you provided. Let’s just say forces in the implementation of any plan of this month you will be released much more than usual. Also, Mars is literally fill your space man, ready to help and solve a number of problems that you just can not tackle alone. Be willing to accept their help.

Jupiter – will significantly enhance your chances. Do not hesitate to raise the bar of their claims and ambitions of this month. Gifts will go to those who allow themselves to wanting more! Any promotion, business expansion, finding sponsors and raising their social status is best to lay during the parade of planets.

Saturn – will allow you to save the results calmly and consistently implement. He will not give everything that appears in your life during the Parade of Planets, vanish like smoke, and go without a trace.

So remember that in this period of your every desire, intention, decision, demand almost instantly will resonate in the external world and society. And any possible outside immediately will cause in you a desire to implement them. Furthermore, you will know how to do it and you will have every opportunity for this. Be open to everything that offers society and do not hesitate to clearly and boldly assert itself and show itself in all its unique and amazing beauty of your personality.

But psychics and magicians believe that such a thing is considered excellent a source of strength. As even the full moon rituals and spells are enhanced, since it was during the parade of planets can magnify all your deeds and acts of magic.


Online shops killed ROCIT and KC – St. Petersburg and the World

Cheaters in Internet will now be blocked without a court order. Activities online stores will closely monitor ROCIT experts. After this suspicious sites will be blocked by razdelegirovaniya domain. This is the case you’ll ever need, as similar powers for the western domain zones that the Russian authorities do not have.

Today, in RuNet there are a huge number of sites, one-day, offering a service or products, to collect money from customers and disappearing.

Online shops in zones .ru and “.rf” engaged in fraud will block out of court on the complaint of the regional public organization “Center of Internet Technologies” (ROCIT, engaged protection of the rights of users Runet). The corresponding agreement will be signed soon between the Coordination Center for TLD RU (CC, establishes rules for registering domain .ru and “.rf”) and ROCIT, the newspaper “Izvestia».

ROCIT sign with multiple KC agreements. First – February 3. According to him, .ru domains between registrars and “.rf” and “hotline” will start to operate ROCIT simplified procedure “cessation of circulation of illegal content».

The concept of illegal content is defined in the law “On protection of children from information harmful to their health and development. ” This, in particular, the promotion of drug use and the commission of suicide, as well as extremist activities, distribution of child pornography, etc.

«ROCIT competent authority will be the fifth [to monitor illegal content]. Now cooperate with KC four such organizations: “The League of Safe Internet», Group-IB, «Kaspersky Lab” and RU-CERT (the Russian Center for Computer Emergency Response. – “News”). This work started in 2012 – says Chief Information Officer Olga Alexandrova KC-Massine. – Competent organizations provide KC and domain name registrars resource information with illegal content, cases of phishing, unauthorized access to information systems and the spread of malware from the domains that are in zones .ru and “.rf.” Registrars may terminate the delegation of domain names for these resources after receipt of the information ».

After a while, is expected to sign a second contract in which ROCIT will send to the Registrar a complaint requesting razdelegirovat domains fraudulent online stores in RuNet.

«The cases of the emergence of online stores, which collect money from customers and disappearing – the director ROCIT Sergei Grebennikov. – We want to see these domains could also razdelegirovat ».

According to statistics from the Center for monitoring violations of the company Group-IB, in 2015 was found about 2 thousand. Phishing sites, among which 1115 were located in the Russian domain zones (.ru, «.rf” and .su).

Grebennikov said that serious work with professional associations, shops and CC to determine the criteria for fraudulent online stores.

“You can make a set of symptoms and further action for certain types of resources, but fully cover the issue is extremely problematic – said the head of the Center for Response Group-IB Alexander Kalinin. – It can be argued that the complaints to lock the resource is not enough ».

Kalinin also told that registrars already have the ability to block a domain, whose owner has not provided their data or submits false.

«Not many criminals dare to provide scans of their passports. However, check here can take a long time for which the scammer can cheat a sizeable number of users – explains Kalinin. – If the fraud one resource has been proven, we can offer a blocking all other domains belonging to the same account. But it may suffer quite legitimate resources. For example, when placing fraudulent resource on compromised domains or domain when the lease without renewal documents. There are also targeted false complaints of competitors ».

The Executive Director of the Association of Internet commerce (Akita) Artem Sokolov confirmed the existence of problems with the fraudulent online stores, and supported the idea of ​​withdrawing from the delegation of the domain, provided well-defined rules and criteria. He recalled that the rules of the sale of goods remote way to contain a list of the necessary information on the site. It including complete information about the seller and the legal entity of the product. Association for its members introduced a “quality mark” Akita. Sites that meet a series of established requirements, received the right to hang on your site icon.

Executive Vice President of “Euroset” Victor Lukanin sure to investigate whether the site is fraudulent, and to determine the evidence for this is to police .

«As long as it does not start any initiative to crackdown against unscrupulous sellers will not work – says Lukanin. – Everything is simple: it is necessary to buy decent companies that operate only online and not more than one year. All users know this, but there will always be people who ignore the risk because of attractive discounts and other interesting offers from unknown shops ».

Head of Group IB Ilya Sachkov noted that the online complaints may be unreal, so their verification mechanism is needed.



The parade of planets in January 2016: Doctors are advised not to go out, “cores” – Latest news – Glavlist

For the average person,” hits “planets – something unusual and incredible – says But astrologers say that the phenomenon that occurs in space today – quite often and did not promise a static phenomenon.
What we call a parade of planets is nothing like lined in a row the planets of our solar system. At this time, the five planets will be lined up in a straight line when viewed solely from the Earth. That is, in fact, in the cosmos, they are arranged randomly and even under the influence of different zodiac signs. In connection with the fact that astrologers claim that the impact of any future, any person’s life, this phenomenon does not produce.

While some of their academics believes that in spite of all the aforementioned facts in the life of a person is an astronomical phenomenon still affects . In itself it will feel the people who suffer from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. On this better from January 31 to February 8, limit the time to stay on the street and plenty of rest. And Maya and all believed that the “hits” of the planets symbolizing the global catastrophe and, quite likely, the end of the world. But major changes can be expected, that in space there is no cardinal changes.

look at this phenomenon can each offer a better vision of the day before sunrise – from six to eight in the morning. It was at this time is to raise his head and look at the sky. See the planet will be easy, because they are the brightest and largest star in the whole sky.

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Muscovites waiting for the opening of the “third eye” in the parade of planets – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Residents of the Northern Hemisphere will be able to observe a small parade of planets all week

Today, at 10:50, views: 13221

At 7:30 On January 31, the morning began a rare astronomical event – a small parade of planets. Residents of the Northern Hemisphere, in regions where there was a clear sky, able to observe the sky in the southern part of the six celestial bodies, lined up in one line – Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Moon, Venus and Mercury. However, in addition to amateur astronomers, this event eagerly awaited capital occultists. They believe that the parade of planets will help them to open the “third eye”.

& # x41C; & # x43E; & # x441; & # x43A; & # x432; & # x438; & # x447; & # x438; & # x436; & # x434; & # x443; & # x442 ; & # x43E; & # x442; & # x43A; & # x440; & # x44B; & # x442; & # x438; & # x44F;

Photo: Gennady Cherkasov

The small parade of planets is quite rare. Even more rare – Big parade of planets. The last time this was in 1962, when the line of the planets lined up 7 9. Now in the line are the five planets and the moon. However, as the website of the Moscow Planetarium, scientific term “parade of planets” does not exist, this event is interesting only to fans of astronomy.

Residents of the Northern Hemisphere will be able to observe a small parade of planets January 31 on 7 February. It will be visible in Moscow, provided a clear sky. Equips telescope is desirable, but not necessarily – the planet will be visible to the naked eye. And, of course, a better deal like watching a town where not interfere with the house and street lighting. To do this, get up around 7:30 and carefully observe the southern sky.

In this in social networks and forums for fans of the unknown have already started discussing the mystical meaning of this astronomical event. While the end of the world no one expects, but changes in the state of people expect. Fans esoteric subtracted that parade of planets is particularly complained Maya, which gave it a special meaning. It is said that at this time a person may open a so-called “third eye”, which helps to see the hidden power to predict and generally strongly influence the delicate matter. If it is closed, it is possible to fill up the army of psychics. Well, in our age of the crisis – not a bad increase in their pension.

Well, seriously speaking, the all-time astronomical observations nothing wrong during the parade of planets has never happened.

But if fear and parade of planets, something big. It is associated with it the arrival of hard times. But he will only May 19, 2161.


“Parade of Planets” in the Northern Hemisphere can be observed even a week – to Pravda.Ru

Interesting and rare could today early in the morning to watch the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere – “parade of planets,” reports “Russian news service».

Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Moon were on the same side of the sun. At 7:30 am Moscow time, this phenomenon can be seen with the naked eye.

The astronomers reported that observation does not need a telescope, but it is better to make in open areas away from cities to light pollution does not stop . Moon in this period decreases, and its reflected light also does not hurt to admire the spectacular astronomical phenomenon.

If we do not manage to see a small parade of planets due to bad weather, do not be upset, the phenomenon can be observed all week up until 7 February.

It is noteworthy that a large parade of planets, when all eight planets in the solar system are arranged on a single line, the inhabitants of the earth will see more soon – a May 19, 2161.

Despite the fact that this phenomenon is often predict the most tragic consequences – of the disaster to the world of the Apocalypse, no natural disasters cause it can not. Long-term observation of the planets did not reveal any regularity, and the floods, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

Read the latest news Pravda.Ru today


Lasers help satellites to transmit data to Earth – BBC Russian

& # x421; & # x445; & # x435; & # x43C; & # x430; & # x441; & # x43F; & # x443; & # x442; & # x43D; & # x438; & # x43A; & # x43E; & # x432 ; & # x43D; & # x430; & # x43E; & # x440; & # x431; & # x438; & # x442; & # x435; Image copyright ESA
Image caption Program EDRS is developed by the European Space Agency for more than 10 years,

The European Space Agency launched a program to launch satellites transmit orbit information to Earth using lasers.

The first satellite EutelSat 9B was launched with Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on January 30 with the help of a Russian carrier rocket “Proton-M”.

High-speed laser connection will bind satellites that can take pictures of the Earth and then send them through being in space relay processing center .

It is reported that the program EDRS – European system of relaying data – will allow to pass to Earth observation satellite vast amounts of information in a short time.

In this case, the satellites will not have, as of now, be sure to stay for the transmission over the area where the receiving station.

Currently, the satellites are in the receiving antenna only about 10 minutes during each 90-minute loop around the Earth, and therefore the data transfer process has been delayed for hours .

Image copyright ILS
Image caption The first satellite was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome using rocket “Proton-M”

The new technology information will be sent not directly to Earth and the other satellite, which is at a much higher altitude and is in constant communication with the receiving station.

As the researchers emphasize, so you can quickly report to the desired areas of the Earth for natural disasters, man-made disasters, the facts of pollution the environment, illegal fishing, or the seizure of ships by pirates.

The program EDRS is developed by the European Space Agency for over 10 years.

At present, equipment for optical transmission equipped with two Earth observation satellites.

Image copyright COPERNICUS ESA
Image caption The new program will promptly report disasters. The picture shows the flooding in Burma

They will be able to upload data to the relay satellite, which will be located at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers above the equator.

Tests conducted by partner Airbus Defence and Space, demonstrate that satellite images to Earth it will be possible to transfer in 20 minutes after the shooting.

“The difficulty is that you have, roughly speaking, to install using Laser beam contact with another satellite, which is at a distance of more than 40 thousand kilometers. This is roughly the same as the fall in the coin two euros, located on the other side of the Atlantic “- said in an interview with BBC BBC Project Manager Michael Whitting .

The speed of data transmission via laser is believed to developers, will reach 1.8 Gb / s.

Image copyright AIRBUS DS
Image caption relay satellite is always in the reception area ground station

The second relay satellite with laser terminal on board is scheduled to be launched into space in 2017.

It will take a few more similar satellites in orbit to provide high-speed transmission of information around the world around the clock.

Representatives of Airbus DS expect that the system will begin to operate at full capacity in 2020.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

Scientists have learned how to read a person’s thoughts – Rosbalt.RU

 American scientists from the University of Washington were able to recognize the signals in real time, which provides the human brain. The computer program will read the thoughts of people.

In a unique study involved seven volunteers. Respondents were asked to simply look at the pictures shown on the screen every 400 milliseconds pictures of me. A computer program was able to up to 96% to determine the image that was seen as a volunteer on the screen.

The study’s authors believe that their findings could help medicine, since it will enable doctors to communicate with patients who have problems with communications, and are completely paralyzed.


Scientists have been able to decipher a person’s thoughts in real time – RSUTE

Moscow, 30.01.2016 22:03, RSUTE.

American scientists were able to decipher a person’s thoughts in real time, thanks to a new computer program.

It is reported that there was a scientific breakthrough in the United States. During one of his research on the identification of epileptic seizures scientists were able to read the thoughts of the people who participated in the experiment. The computer program, which was developed by the experts could make out about 90% of the thoughts that are sent to the person using the images.

It is known that the scientists attached to the head of patients with the disease epilepsy special electrodes. After that, all subjects started to show different pictures at a speed of 400 ms. At that time, the computer read algorithms brainwaves. After this experiment, it reported that the computer is able to display more than 90% of all images that are sending people.

For the study American scientists seized a group of 7 people with epilepsy. With the help of these professionals have tried to determine the cause of the seizures. To their mind they were connected electrodes that transmit data to a computer, and he tracked brainwave algorithms. Professionals were informed that as part of their study the new system could up to 96% to determine all the illustrations, which people watched in real time. The computer to recognize what he saw human illustration only took 20 milliseconds.

Washington University neurologist Dr. Rajesh Rao has emphasized the practical value of the discovery. “In clinical medicine, the results of our work can be used to build communications with patients who are 100% paralyzed,” – outlined the doctor.

Russia’s development at this time capital scientists Company Neurobotics created technology that enables work at home, using the power of thought. The equipment of increases and turns into commands for the devices or robots.

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Accidents in the Leningrad region 22 victims criminal case and checking the prosecutor’s office – TASS

ST PETERSBURG, January 30th. / TASS /. Police launched an investigation into a major car accident that occurred on Saturday in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad region. On the federal highway bus, riding along the route St. Petersburg – Kotka (Finland), collided with a truck. As a result, affected 22 people, 14 of them are still in hospitals.

The victims, among whom, according to recent data, turned 15-year-old, were initially hospitalized Vyborg. From there, 11 people by helicopter and Emergency Situations Ministry ambulance taken to the medical institutions of St. Petersburg. Eight victims remained in Vyborg, after the inspection was sent home.

Preliminary version: ice and inattention

According to Tass representative of the Main Department of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, in fact the accident prosecuted a business. Police classified the incident as a “Violation of traffic rules which negligently caused serious harm to human health” (Art. 1, Art. 264 of the Criminal Code).

The bus driver, according to the representative of the traffic police in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region I could not cope with the management. “The driver lost control and drove into oncoming traffic, where the collision occurred,” – told Tass earlier management.

The reason for the loss of control by the assumption of powers in the region could be ice on the federal highway. “On a slippery road the bus lost control and crashed into a truck” – told Tass, the press service of the regional administration.

Is the driver on which fault could occur accident, among the victims is currently unknown .

Under Suspicion shipping company

After the accident suspect got company operating a passenger bus.

According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, the shipping company – LLC ” Balt Auto 1 “- rented trucks from a private individual.

” The prosecutor’s office of the Kirov district of St. Petersburg organized a test carrier company in connection with an accident on the highway “Scandinavia”. It was established that the tourist bus was taken Ltd. “Baltic Auto 1 “rent from a private person,” – said the agency.

The bus, according to Tass press secretary of the governor of St. Petersburg Andrei KIBIT, owned travel agency “Marina Travel”.

About the victims

According to preliminary data, voiced by the press secretary to the governor, in a traffic accident injured people in several regions of Russia and one citizen of Ukraine.

“The accident injured, according to preliminary data, the residents other regions: Udmurtia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Kaliningrad region, North Ossetia, as well as a citizen of Ukraine “, – said KIBIT.

Among the injured in a car accident turned out to be 15-year-old boy. “From Vyborg, he was taken by helicopter to the Institute of Emergency Care. II Janelidze, and then sent to the hospital named after Filatov,” – said the management.

Work MOE

According to TASS in the central district hospital of Vyborg, to the clinic received 22 victims. Of these, eight people received medical treatment and were sent home. Three people are in hospital in Vyborg, two of them with serious injuries, and not transportable, specified in the MOE. The rest of the injured were evacuated to St. Petersburg.

“Two helicopters of the Northwest Aviation and rescue center EMERCOM of Russia and three helicopters of Ministry of Health of the Leningrad region promptly brought 10 injured in road accidents in the hospitals of St. Petersburg. One person was transported to reanimobile “- said the press service of the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry. It was also reported that helicopters transported the victims of “Heli-Drive”.

According to the ministry, during the transport of critically ill condition has not deteriorated. They were accompanied by the National Center doctors Emergency and Radiation Medicine named after AM Nikiforov and Emergency Medicine Center of the Leningrad region. The injured taken to the Research Institute. Janelidze and Leningrad Regional Hospital, the child – in children’s clinical hospital №5.

Earlier in the afternoon the director of the Department of Public Health and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Oleg Communications Salagaev said that the condition of eight of the 22 injured is serious.

For questions about the accident opened hotline MOE – 8-800-100-2001 , said the administration of St. Petersburg.


The head of the Ministry of Communications, congratulated “Roskosmos” with the successful launch of the rocket with European satellite – TASS

MOSCOW, January 30th. / TASS /. Minister of Communications and Mass Communications Minister Nikolai Nikiforov congratulated “Roskosmos” with the successful launch of the spacecraft Eutelsat 9B, noting that Russian missiles are still indispensable for Europeans. Thus he wrote on his official page on Twitter.

“Congratulations” Roskosmos “with another successful launch! Sanctions sanctions and the Europeans are launching their own communication satellites by our missiles,” – wrote the minister.

Carrier rocket “Proton-M” was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome at 01:20 MSK. The total time from the start of the rocket launch to separation of the satellite from the booster was 9 hours 12 minutes. The telecommunications spacecraft Eutelsat 9B has been successfully launched into the target orbit at an altitude of about 35 thousand. Km of the upper stage “Breeze-M”.

The launch was done under a contract signed in October 2015, a subsidiary of Space Center. Khrunichev International Launch Services (ILS) from one of the leading satellite operators Eutelsat Communications (Paris, France). Over the past 15 years with the help of a rocket “Proton” was launched 11 satellites of Eutelsat.

The spacecraft Eutelsat 9B is designed for digital television and data services in Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. The satellite is made by the French defense and space division of the European consortium Airbus Group – the company Airbus Defense and Space (Toulouse, France). The launch weight of the spacecraft – about 5162 kg.


The government does not intend to privatize the Savings Bank, said Vladimir Putin – the first channel

The work of the financial system in the current economic environment Vladimir Putin discussed with the Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina and presidential aide Andrei Belousov.

The work of the financial system current economic conditions, Putin discussed with the Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina and presidential aide Andrei Belousov.

The head of state reminded that the Central Bank according to the law – a separate institution with its competence, but the work must be coordinated with government. Separately, we discussed the topic of the Savings Bank in respect of which recently sounded proposals on privatization.

In. Putin: “We have gathered only to exchange views, to look at the prospects for the development of the situation, so that the work was somehow coordinated in general terms. The Central Bank have a major shareholder, the main, a key shareholder of a leading bank in the country, the Savings Bank . I would like to know the opinion of the Central Bank, the Bank of Russia on this issue, on the possible privatization of the shares of the Savings Bank “.

” I think that the issue of privatization of the shares of Sberbank is premature, because in many ways citizens’ confidence, depositors to the bank based on the fact that there is a controlling interest of the state, control of the state. By the way, this show and our case studies. They show that at the moment you want to keep a controlling stake in Sberbank in the hands of the state “, – said Elvira Nabiullina.

In. Putin: “I fully agree with you in the first place. Secondly, even in the medium term, I think we have to come back to this question will not be”.


  • The government does not intend to privatize the Savings Bank, said Putin

    The government does not intend to privatize the Savings Bank, said Putin

  •  The government does not intend to privatize the Savings Bank, said Putin

    The government does not intend to privatize the Savings Bank, said Putin

  • The government does not intend to privatize the Savings Bank, said Putin

    The government does not intend to privatize Sberbank, said Putin

  • The government does not intend to privatize the Savings Bank , Putin said

    The government does not intend to privatize the Savings Bank, said Putin


European satellite Eutelsat 9B put into orbit – RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, January 30 – RIA Novosti. Carrier rocket “Proton-M” and the upper stage “Breeze-M” brought into the calculated orbit a European communications satellite Eutelsat 9B, told RIA Novosti on Saturday representative state corporation “Roscosmos”.

The launch from Baikonur was moved from January 28, due to adverse weather conditions and took place on 30 January at 01.20 MSK.

“It has been the separation of the European spacecraft Eutelsat 9B from the upper stage. Thus the program run has been fully implemented, “- said the official.

The launch was carried out in the framework of a long-term contract signed in October 2015, a subsidiary of Space Center named after MV Khrunichev International Launch Services (ILS) from one of the leading satellite operators Eutelsat Communications (Paris, France). Over the past 15 years with the help of rockets “Proton” was launched 11 satellites for the constellation Eutelsat.

The European communications satellite Eutelsat 9B is designed for digital television and data services in Italy, Germany, Greece, parts of Scandinavia and the Baltic countries. The spacecraft will be located at the orbital position 9 degrees east.

The satellite is made by the French defense and space division of the European consortium Airbus Group – the company Airbus Defense and Space (Toulouse, France). The launch weight of the spacecraft – about 5162 kilograms.

Carrier rocket “Proton” and the upper stage “Breeze-M” series are designed and manufactured in the Space Center of MV Khrunichev. The upgraded rocket “Proton-M”, equipped with the data of the upper stage capable of delivering on the geosynchronous transfer orbit a payload of more than 6 tonnes.


Friday, January 29, 2016

The rocket “Proton-M” with the Eutelsat satellite was successfully launched from “Baikonur” – REGNUM

Baikonur, Kazakhstan, January 30, 2016, 01:55 – REGNUM Carrier rocket “Proton-M” with the spacecraft Eutelsat 9B («Eutelsat-9B”) on January 30 was successfully launched from the cosmodrome “Baikonur”. This was reported in the Russian Space Agency official microblog in Twitter.

Start carrier rocket was carried out at 01:02 MSK. “The orbital unit as part of Eutelsat 9B and the upper stage” Breeze-M “placed into the calculated orbit. Branch at 10:32 MSK, “- said in a statement.

The powerful telecommunications satellites due Eutelsat 9B, manufactured by Airbus Defense and Space on the platform Eurostar E3000, designed for digital television and data services in Scandinavia and Baltic countries.

According to the contract of the subsidiary Space Center Khrunichev International Launch Services and the French satellite operator Eutelsat Communications, which was signed in October last year, during the period from 2016 to 2023 from the Baikonur “cosmodrome “should be done several launches carrier rocket” Proton-M “with the satellites Eutelsat.

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