A few months after the restart Large Hadron Collider (LHC, or LHC), scientists from the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) proved the existence of a new elementary particle called the pentaquark, according to press release CERN.
An article about this work, submitted to the scientific journal Physical Review Letters, and its preprint available at the site arXiv.org . Scientists claim to have discovered not only a new sub-particles that make up protons and neutrons, and a completely new mechanism of association of quarks.
“Regarding our experiment, we believe that he has all the criteria for the opening. We have no other explanation for the fact that we have seen. But the scientific method is that you must first publish the results in the magazine, which has to discuss Community” – said the scientist Guy Wilkinson Reuters.
“The study of the new particle may help to know more about the ordinary matter of which we are composed,” – he added.
The new combination consists of two u-quark, d-quark and a charmed quark and an antiquark. Earlier experiments to search pentaquarks ended in failure. Until the particles are investigated, said portal “Science and Technologies of Russia” . Scientist Zhang Limin said: “Quarks can be connected firmly or, alternatively, may resemble something like the meson-baryon molecule, where the particles are linked by residual strong interactions, as protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus.”
It should be added that the existence of pentaquarks was theoretically grounded in 1997 by Russian theorists Dmitry Dyakonov, Maxim Polyakov and Viktor Petrov. The article Petrova of 26 March 2013, published on the website, “elements” , the scientist explains how it has been hypothesized. “Particles that can not be built up of three quarks or a quark-antiquark called exotic. The search for exotic particles have been conducted for many years, but still can not say that these particles would be firmly identified. We will talk here about one of such attempts, concerning to search for new baryons. (…) The main difficulty is in finding the exotic that is not known where to look, “- wrote Petrov.
In early April, the most powerful particle accelerator – the Large Hadron Collider – was restarted after two years of equipment modifications. Power Collider increased almost doubled from eight to 13 trillion electron volts (TeV). During the previous turn on the collider, scientists have proof of the existence of Higgs boson – predicted ten years ago, elementary particles required in the framework of the Standard Model. It describes the electromagnetic, weak and strong interaction of elementary particles.
TANK Built in 2008, the 100-meter depth on the border of France and Switzerland. It is a 27-kilometer circular tunnel, which is set particle accelerator in the form of a giant pipe. Studies in the LHC in opposite directions run beams of protons that are accelerated to very high speeds, close to the light, after which some of them facing each other, with the result that should be born new elementary particles. The collider is designed to produce a fundamentally new information about the nature of matter and the fundamental laws of physics.
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